Guidelines for Reporting on the Implementation of the New Urban Agenda 2024 These guidelines have been prepared in response to Resolution (RES/71/256. New Urban Agenda)adopted by the General Assembly on 23 December 2016, which endorses the New Urban Agenda adopted by the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III).
A Road Map Towards a Socioeconomic Development Plan for the Union of Municipalities of Qalaat El-Istiqlal, Bekaa Governorate 2024 This booklet outlines strategic directions towards socioeconomic development for the Union of Municipalities of Qalaat El-Istiqlal in Bekaa Governorate. They were developed within the scope of UN-Habitat's initiative "Improving Planning Capacities for Social and Economic Local Development" implemented between 2020 and 2023 in close collaboration with the Ministry of Social Affairs and funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation.
White Paper for Policy Formulation and Project Implementation 2024 The TP4D group has published a new White Paper for Policy Formulation and Project Implementation on territorial approaches for sustainable development. Released by a group of Platform members and partners, this is an update to the TP4D White Paper of 2018, incorporating lessons learned. The new White Paper is aimed at policymakers, donors, and practitioners by offering recommendations for policy formulation, project design, and governance.
Global Public Space Toolkit: From Global Principles to Local Policies and Practice 2024
Land, Housing and Property in Jordan: A review of the legal, institutional, and administrative frameworks 2024 This report analyses the land sector in Jordan by looking at its legal and institutional set up, its stakeholders, and the key land administration functions: land tenure, land value, land use, land development, and land dispute resolution. The most important legislation is annexed and a set of preliminary recommendations for consideration by national stakeholders complement the report.

This publication is part of the research work carried out by the Arab Land Initiative under the Arab Region Programme on Good Land Governance in Support to Inclusive Development, Peace and Stability funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany (BMZ) under the management of UN-Habitat and the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN).
Jordan National Urban Policy 2024 The Jordan National Urban Policy follows a proactive approach, viewing urbanization not as a burden but as a chance to enhance the economy, address climate change, and improve the overall quality of life. Prioritizing principles of participation, efficiency, human rights, and resilience, it envisions inclusive, sustainable communities through strategically planned growth in diverse locations.
Mainstreaming Migration and Displacement in Urban Planning and Public Space Development: A Survey of Best Practices and Future Recommendations 2024 In response to the growing challenges of migration and displacement in urban areas, this publication presents principles for improving urban planning and public space development. Intended to illustrate best practices and guide practitioners, policymakers, and local authorities, these principles are supported by recommendations and examples from across UN-Habitat’s recent operational experience.
Mid-Term Evaluation 2030 Agenda Sub-Fund Project "Fostering COVID-19 recovery and SDG implementation through local action in Asia-Pacific, Arab and African countries" 2024
A Road Map Towards a Socioeconomic Development Plan for the Union of Municipalities of Joumeh, Akkar Governorate 2024 This booklet outlines strategic directions towards socioeconomic development for the Union of Municipalities of Joumeh in Akkar Governorate. They were developed within the scope of UN-Habitat's initiative "Improving Planning Capacities for Social and Economic Local Development" implemented between 2020 and 2023 in close collaboration with the Ministry of Social Affairs and funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation.
2022-2023 ANNUAL REPORT National Urban Policy Programme, Phase Two: ‘Scaling up People-Centered Smart Cities through National Urban Policies’ 2024 The National Urban Policy Programme (NUPP) remains a central tool towards promotion and realisation of an inclusive, resilient, and sustainable urban development. The Korea-funded National Urban Policy Programme (K-NUPP) 2022-2023 report reviews the first year of implementation in the second phase of the programme. The report articulates the commitment of UN-Habitat through the Policy, Legislation and Governance Section, in collaboration with the government of the Republic of Korea through the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT) to support phase 2 implementation in Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Egypt, Mozambique, Paraguay, I.R. Iran, Myanmar, and Niger State (Nigeria).

With reference to the programme objectives, the report details progress made, and results achieved in 2022-2023, innovative approaches applied, challenges faced, and projected activities for 2024 for each of the participating countries. It further outlines the contribution made by K-NUPP to the Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda through National Urban Policies.

This report is a co-creation of the Republic of Korea, UN-Habitat, Republic of Azerbaijan, Kingdom of Cambodia, Arab Republic of Egypt, Republic of Mozambique, Republic of Paraguay, Islamic Republic of Iran, Myanmar, and Niger State (Federal Republic of Nigeria).