UN-Habitat evaluates its work to assess how well its interventions are achieving the intended results and how effectively they are contributing to broad development goals. This is done by assessing what is achieved and by making recommendations that feed into policy, programme/ project development and implementation. An independent Evaluation Unit was established in January 2012 to further improve and strengthen the evaluation function. 


If you wish to contact the evaluation unit, please write to: unhabitat-evaluation@un.org

All Evaluation Reports

Mid-Term Evaluation of the Implementation of UN-Habitat’s Strategic Plan, 2014-2019 (2/2017)

The evaluation assesses UN-Habitat’s progress towards the Plan’s strategic result, the extent to which the UN system reforms have affected the implementation of the Strategic Plan, the effectiveness of UN-Habitat in implementing the Strategic Plan at…

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Evaluation of the Regional Office for Arab States (3/2016)

The report provides insightful information about the rapid growth of ROAS and the value it has provided in extending the technical cooperation of UN-Habitat amongst the Arab States in its relatively short time of existence. It notes the effectiveness…

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Evaluation of the Cooperation Agreement Between UN-Habitat and Sweden 2012-2015 (2/2016)

This evaluation of the 2012-2015 agreement between the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and UN-Habitat was welcomed by the donor for providing an assessment of results achieved and performance of 19 UN-Habitat projects…

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End-of-Project Evaluation: Identification of Best Practices, Policies and Enabling Legislation in the Local Delivery of Basic Urban Services (Phase 2) 1/2015

The ‘Best Practices’ project supported local and national governments in Cuba, El Salvador, Colombia, Ecuador, Uruguay and Mozambique pursued through supporting decentralization processes and national urban policies, technical assistance for local…

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Evaluation of the Open UN-Habitat Transparency Initiative 1/2016

Through the Open UN-Habitat web portal, which is part of the open UN-Habitat Transparency Initiative, UN-Habitat is able to show donors, partners and the public where and with whom the agency is working, the decisions taken, as well as the funding and…

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UN-Habitat’s Role in Joint Programming for the Delivery of MDGs in Latin America and the Caribbean 2/2014

The final evaluation of UN-Habitat’s role in the Millenium Development Goal Achievement Fund (MDG-F) joint programme for Latin America and the Caribbean was conducted between November 2013 and March 2014 by two independent consultants. The ex-post…

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UN-Habitat’s Role in Joint Programming for the Delivery of MDGs in Latin America and the Caribbean 2/2014

The final evaluation of UN-Habitat’s role in the Millenium Development Goal Achievement Fund (MDG-F) joint programme for Latin America and the Caribbean was conducted between November 2013 and March 2014 by two independent consultants. The ex-post…

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Evaluation of UN-Habitat’s Role in Post-Disaster Recovery, Reconstruction and Development in Pakistan, 2005-2012 (1/2013)

This evaluation aims to provide the organization and its stakeholders with a greater understanding of UN-Habitat’s role in post-disaster recovery, reconstruction and development in Pakistan, through an independent assessment of its achievements,…

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Evaluation of UN-Habitat’s Flagship Reports: Global Report on Human Settlements and State of the World's Cities Report 1/2014

The evaluation conducted from July through October of 2013, was managed expertly by the Evaluation Unit in close consultation with the Research and Capacity Building Branch. This evaluation took place against the background of:

(1) A decision…

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Evaluation of the Implementation of UN-Habitat's Medium-Term Strategic and Institutional Plan 2008-2013

UN-Habitat's Medium-Term Strategic and Institutional Plan (MTSIP) 2008-2013 was adopted by resolution 21/2 of April 2007 of the Governing Council. The overarching goal of the plan is "to ensure an effective contribution to sustainable urbanization".…

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