Pursuant to resolution 25/7 the Committee of Permanent Representatives established the working group on programme and budget at its fifty-seventh regular meeting, held on 12 June 2015. The Working Group consists of 15 member states, with each of the five regional groupings represented by three member states and a chair rotating among the regional groupings. Participation in the meetings of the Working Group has been, and continues to be, open to all member states.

Functions and Responsibilities:

  • provides reports to the CPR through its Chair at the regular meetings of the Committee.
  • It covers topics such as audits and evaluations, financial management, risk management, resource mobilization, regional and national strategies as well as the business transformation of UN-Habitat, among others.

Decision-making: by consensus recommendations  are made to the Executive Director.

Membership: consists of 15 Member States with 3 members from each regional group.

Election: Each regional group to nominate 3 representatives