General Information
Since Habitat II, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) and now in its road towards Habitat III, UN-Habitat has been committed to promoting the participation of young people as partners in implementing the Habitat Agenda and the achievement of the MDGs. At the 20th Governing Council in 2005, the Strategy for Enhanced Engagement with Youth was adopted and has provided a framework for designing and implementing a Youth Empowerment Programme (YEP) through subsequent years. Through the support from donors and the institutional commitment of UN-HABITAT, a number of member states have expressed interest and the campus aims to bring together key partners and stakeholders that support the urban youth initiatives that are inclusive, resilient and sustainable. Urban Policies and programme for youth will be explored in the urban labs.
Furthermore, the stakeholders will explore the need, mechanisms, steps and recommendations for establishing synergies and strategies for a better urban future for young men and women. It will create a platform for young people to share experiences and solutions related to sustainable development issues, disaster and risk reduction, environment, human rights, access to public space, social inclusion, governance and forms of participation in decision-making at all levels. The event will be divided into different sessions as per the programme.
List of Speakers
To be communicated.
- Ms. Catherine Tololwo:
- Mr. Douglas Ragan:
- Mr. Alexis Kyander:
To be communicated.
Social Media
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