General Information
The Urban Thinkers Campus Mexico-Peru encompasses a set of campuses in 30 localities within Mexico and four in Peru. These events, taking place since April 28th 2015, have been organized by an alliance between Mujeres Iberoamericanas en Red (MIRA), the Huairou Commission, and the Federación Latino Americana y del Caribe de Mujeres Municipalistas (FEMUM).
The National Session of Conclusions will be held in Mexico DF on November 18-20 and will bring together representatives of the Mexican and Peruvian campuses, giving them the opportunity to share their results and findings. Although a proportion of these campuses progressed over more than one session, all activities within the UTC Mexico-Peru have adhered to a similar structure:
- An opening session to discuss, approve and sign the Constitution of the Urban Thinkers Campus
- A propaedeutic session focused on gender and human rights with a gender perspective
- Thematic meetings on social cohesion and equity, urban frameworks, spatial development, urban economy, urban ecology and environment, and urban housing and basic services
- A press conference to present the results of the campus
These events were also complemented by a set of urban walks between September 29th and October 20th in the urban area surrounding the Autonomous University of Chapingo, in order to collectively reflect with citizens and interested stakeholders on the topic “The City We Want.”
The National Session is focused on engendering the New Urban Agenda, with particular interest on grassroots women and the Right to the City. Women’s quality of life greatly depends upon the characteristics and dimensions of the city’s spatial structure, from which the urbanization process is produced, and which should guarantee equal rights for women and men to access and enjoy the city.
During this three-day session, participants will explore the results of the participatory work developed by the women and men that were part of the previous sessions, and will reflect on them in order to reach a set of recommendations to include in the campus’ final report, a document that will feed the New Urban Agenda.
Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Circuito Mario de la Cueva s/n, Ciudad Universitaria, Delegación Coyoacán, CP 04510, México, DF, Edificio F Sala Isabel Ricardo Posas, Participation is also possible via video conference at
List of Speakers/Moderators
- Dr. Gloria Ramírez, School of Political and Social Sciences, National Autonomous University of Mexico
- Olenka Ochoa Berreteaga, Member of the Huairou Commission Coordinating Council
- Magdalena García Hernández, Urban Thinkers Campus Mexico-Peru Coordinator
- Dr. Teresa Incháustegui Romero, General Director of the Women’s Institute Federal
- Enrique Ortiz, Habitat International Coalition
Magdalena García Hernández -
Please register for the event here.
*Keep up to date on this event and theme using the hashtag #UrbanThinkers on Twitter