Urban-LEDS II Newsletter #1
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Urban-LEDS II Newsletter #1

Introducing phase II of the Urban-LEDS Project. The full name of the project is: “Accelerating climate action through the promotion of Urban Low Emission Development Strategies”, or “Urban-LEDS II” for short. The project is funded by the European Union. Phase I ran from 2012 – 2015 involving Brazil, Indonesia, India and South Africa. This second phase runs from 2017 – 2021 and includes four new countries: Colombia, Brazil, Lao PDR and Rwanda.

UN-Habitat and ICLEI are working closely together to accelerate urban low emission development and climate resilience, engaging with more than 60 cities worldwide. Technical assistance is provided to cities in 8 countries, helping them develop robust strategies and climate action plans, underpinned by knowledge gained from risk & vulnerability assessments and greenhouse gas emission inventories.

A key component of the project is the fostering of a multilevel governance approach to urban climate action. The project encourages discussions between all levels of government to explore vertically integrated approaches that address how to improve governance structures, effective communication, intra-governmental coordination, andfinance flows, in all relevant sectors. Urban-LEDS II is an implementation action supporting the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (GCoM).