Urban-LEDS I Newsletter #8
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Urban-LEDS I Newsletter #8

The Urban-LEDS project officially comes to an end on 31 March 2016. This final newsletter wraps up four years of project implementation. We are delighted to present the milestones achieved by the project team, the cities and our partners!

The Urban-LEDS project, launched in March 2012, promotes low emission urban development strategies in emerging economy countries. Jointly implemented by ICLEI and UN-Habitat and funded by the European Union, it helps 29 local governments in 4 emerging countries to pursue low-carbon,sustainable development with the support of 8 European project cities.

While the project partners and its implementers across Brazil, India, Indonesia, South Africa and Europe are busy compiling four years of evidence of trailblazing Low Emission Development initiatives, we offer you the latest news about the project resources that are available to all and snapshots of some of the project’s highlights. Stay tuned for an exciting final project report coming soon!