Urban crisis response, recovery and reconstruction framework for Lebanon (URFL)

This document outlines UN-Habitat’s ongoing and anticipated role, contribution and interventions in response to the post-October 2023 armed conflict in Lebanon and its vast destructive impact on built and social urban fabric and habitats, within a wider context of the multiple crises the country has been facing since 2019. This involves the development of an integrated urban crisis response, recovery and reconstruction framework (or plan) for Lebanon (URFL) and a related package of solutions for immediate, medium- and long-term needs. 

The document contains a brief overview of the background and current context, followed by a brief outline of the needs from an integrated urban perspective. It then outlines the objective, approach, proposed outcomes, and methodology of the URFL. The last part of the document lists a number of immediate, medium- and longer-term proposed solutions and actions under three thematic workstreams – 1) support to public institutions at the national, subnational and local levels; 2) adequate housing and protection; and 3) environment and climate change – with the vision of working towards the development of an overarching multisectoral area-based integrated URFL to guide interventions in areas impacted by the multiple crises with a focus on those severely affected during the latest hostilities and in a post-conflict setting across the humanitarian–development–peace nexus.