Kabul 15 November 2016- UN-Habitat recently signed an MoU with Kabul Municipality on the Clean & Green City (CGC) Programme aimed to cooperate with Kabul municipality to invest in labor intensive urban clean- up, repair, improve parks/beautification, and basic solid- waste management activities.
The event was attended by the Deputy Mayor of Kabul Mr. Masiullah Mahboob, Kabul provincial council members, representatives of government authorities, and media agencies including UN- Habitat and CGC technical and senior staff.The overall objective of the program is: “Stabilization of target cities and the Afghan government to bridge the critical juncture in 2016/17” giving sufficient stabilization until the large- scale Citizen Charter in Cities Programme is implemented.
This program will be implemented in 12 cities over 18 to 24 months. The expected results are:
(i) Estimated 2.6 million urban citizen beneficiaries for livelihood opportunities and basic urban service delivery improvement
(ii) Over 12,000 jobs created, equipped to 3 million labor days benefiting urban poor, vulnerable households, and women
(iii) 3,000 women with improved skills, confidence, leadership and capacity for taking a role in peacebuilding at local level
(iv) 114 Gozar Assemblies with grants for labor intensive works and improved capacity of local authorities
(v) 95 CDCs will be engaged.
MoU will also be signed for 11 other municipalities’ mayors in order to reach their cooperation in the implementation of Clean and Green City programme.