
The need for planning cannot be over-emphasized. Urbanization is progressing rapidly and by 2050, seven out of ten people will be living in cities. Inappropriate policies, plans, and designs have led to the inadequate spatial distribution of people and activities, resulting in the proliferation of slums, congestion, poor access to basic services, environmental degradation, and social inequity and segregation.

The International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning serve both as a source of inspiration and a compass for decision makers and urban professionals when reviewing urban and territorial planning systems. The Guidelines provide national governments, local authorities, civil society organizations and planning professionals with a global reference framework that promotes more compact, socially inclusive, better integrated and connected cities and territories that foster sustainable urban development and are resilient to climate change.


International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning
#TheCityWeNeed​ #UrbanThinkers​ Voices with Frank D'hondt / UN-Habitat

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The Guidelines have been launched in
The Guidelines have been piloted and tested in different locations around the world, along with the establishment of a global network of partners for their implementation.
The Guidelines are available in

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Donors and partners

The success of the implementation of the Guidelines is dependent on successful partnership, with the four-stakeholder group that work across the five levels of the planning continuum: national governments, local, authorities, planning professionals and their associations and civil society organization. Partners have taken a step forward to work with the Guidelines and become an advocate of their principles and/or to support tool development. One example to highlight is the South African Local Government Association (SALGA), which has supported the preparation of a book (Leading Change, 2107) that provides the critical narrative behind the key elements of the Guidelines.


Enda Tiers Monde International Real Estate Federation (FIABCI)

Our Experts

Cecilia Andersson
Chief(a.i). Planning, Finance and Economy Section
Urban Practices Branch, Global Solutions Division