Urban Thinkers Campus; Caserta, Italy, 15-18 October 2014; Participants Guide

Participants GuideContents1) Setting the Context for a New Urban Paradigm 2) The Urban Thinkers Campus: An Open Space for Critical      Exchange and Consensus Building3) The Urban Thinkers Spirit4) Expected Outcomes: a Stronger City We Need Vision5) Be Prepared6) The Programme7) Practical Information8) AnnexesAnnex 1 - Manifesto for CitiesAnnex 2 - The Future We Want - The Cit


Programma Accademia Di Giornalismo Urbano; Comunicare La Città Di Cui Abbiamo Bisogno

Urban Journalist AcademyL’Accademia di Giornalismo Urbano (AGU) è un'iniziativa innovativa di UN-Habitat per promuovere, tra i giornalisti e i professionisti della comunicazione internazionali e nazionali, la conoscenza e la comprensione delle tematiche sociali ed economiche dello sviluppo urbano del ventunesimo secolo.


Urban Thinkers The City We Need

Towards a New Urban Paradigm

Cities are either helpful or unhelpful in achieving sustainable development. As the World Urban Campaign (WUC) partners declared in the 2012 Manifesto for Cities and further reiterate here: “the battle for a more sustainable future will be won or lost in cities.” How we plan, build, and manage our cities now will determine the outcome of our efforts to achieve a sustainable and harmonious development tomorrow.
