QUICK GUIDE for participatory, city-wide slum upgrading: City-Wide slum upgrading for sustainable urbanization

pages-from-qg01_participatory-city-wide-slum-upgradingCity-wide, ‘at scale’ participatory slum upgrading refers to a strategic slum upgrading choice and approach to poverty
alleviation. It emphasizes the integration of all stakeholders – including urban managers and slum dwellers themselves
– and is a process undertaken across all scales - from the local to the metropolitan level. It is an inclusive, integrated,


Sustainable Urban Development and Agenda 2030: UN-Habitat’s Programme Framework: PSUP; Transforming the Lives of One Billion Slum Dwellers

pages-from-sustainable-urban-development_3-2ŸIn the world today, one in eight people or 1 billion people on earth live in slums.
ŸŸThe proportion of slum dwellers is most acute in Africa (at 55.9 per cent), followed by Asia (at 27.9 per cent), and Latin America and the Caribbean (at 21.1 per cent)
ŸŸInformal settlements are increasingly found in the developed world too.


Key Messages for Participatory City-Wide Slum Upgrading: Strengthening the role of women and girls in participatory city-wide slum upgrading

pages-from-km10_women-and-girlsUrban poverty is becoming increasingly feminized1 - there are more women and girls, than men and boys, who live in poverty in urban centers around the world2.
• Slums and informal settlements are one of the most visible urban contexts highlighting female poverty, These settlements are characterized by a disproportionately highlevel


Key Messages for Participatory City-Wide Slum Upgrading: Progressively realizing the right to Adequate Housing

pages-from-km08_realizing-adequate-housingSlums and informal settlements are the most visible physical manifestation of the ways in which poor urban planning and a lack of sustainable policy frameworks result in a deficit of adequate housing and serviced land.
Adequate housing in urban contexts is improved when:
1) A commitment to progressively realize the right to adequate housing is promoted by all key stakeholders, and


Key Messages for Participatory City-Wide Slum Upgrading: The Informal Economy for local economic development

pages-from-km07_the-informal-economyMany slum dwellers are engaged in economic and livelihood activities that sustain families and contribute to the broader urban economy.
Participatory city-wide slum upgrading is an approach that:
1) Improves all stakeholders understanding of slum dwellers’ contribution to local and city-wide economies and,
2) Harnesses the assets of that activity to strengthen economic activity.


Key Messages for Participatory City-Wide Slum Upgrading: Participatory Planning

pages-from-km05_participatory-planningParticipatory planning that engages all stakeholders including slum dwellers, is a pre-condition for city-wide slum upgrading and inclusive sustainable urbanization. It has been identified as a fundamental approach in the Sustainable Development Goals.


Key Messages for Participatory City-Wide Slum Upgrading: Participation

pages-from-km03_participationParticipation in city-wide slum upgrading – incorporating the engagement of a broad range of stakeholders including slum dwellers themselves - is an asset.
It is a trigger for socio-economic development and institutional strengthening for pro-poor urban development, which are pre-conditions for inclusive and sustainable urbanization.


Key Messages for Participatory City-Wide Slum Upgrading: Why Participatory City-Wide Slum Upgrading Matters

pages-from-km01_participatory-city-wide-slum-upgradingParticipatory city-wide slum upgrading is a pre-condition and trigger for inclusive and sustainable urbanization. The approach strengthens everyone’s capacity to contribute and benefit from the advantages of urbanization, including slum dwellers themselves.
