From threats of evictions to tenure security – the case of Kwa Bulo Settlement in Mombasa, Kenya

Residents of Kwa Bulo Settlement, Nyali Constituency in Mombasa County were recently issued with more than 1,000 Certificates of Occupancy, ending many years of tenure insecurity and fear of forced evictions. It is a culmination of a long journey which was facilitated by the use and application of Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM) tool, a pro-poor land information system developed by the Global Land Tool Network, as facilitated by UN-Habitat.


Solar Street Light Assembly Training for Youth in Kalobeyei

Kalobeiyei 2 August 2017-- UN-Habitat, with support from the Government of Japan, recently conducted a community based stabilization programme aiming to support sustainable livelihoods development for refugees and host communities will contribute to improving the skills and increasing the capacity of refugees and host communities to implement development plans.


Yakutsk consolidates its close relationship with UN-Habitat’s City Resilience Profiling Programme.

Barcelona, 02 August 2017-- Following dialogues initiated in 2015 between UN-Habitat’s City Resilience Profiling Programme (CRPP) and the city of Yakutsk, the Russian city has initiated implementation of UN-Habitat’s City Resilience Profiling Tool.

UN-Habitat travelled to the Arctic city in July for a two-week mission as part of the city’s collaboration and engage in various training sessions with key staff from the city council.


Stakeholders Validate National Urban Policy Discussion Paper for Liberia

Monrovia, 17 July 2017 – Between, April and June 2017, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Liberia led three validation sessions targeted at different urban stakeholder groups. During the workshops, participants reviewed the National Urban Policy (NUP) Discussion Paper for Liberia which covers key proceedings developed so far from the NUP process in the country.


UN-Habitat starts a new project with the Government of Alagoas, Brazil

Rio de Janeiro 21 July 2017-- UN-Habitat and the State Government of Alagoas initiated a new project that includes a joint elaboration of urban, economic and social development strategies, focused on the production of data and qualified information, especially in informal settlements locally known as "grotas". The objective is to contribute with public administration in order to increase living conditions of the citizens of Alagoas.


UN-Habitat and Fukuoka Partners reaffirms their commitments to support the activities of ROAP

19 July 2017, Fukuoka - Dr. Joan Clos, UN-Habitat Executive Director, celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP) together with national and local partners in Fukuoka, Japan.  The event became a symbol of strong partnership with the presence of Hon. Makoto Oniki, Secretary General of Japan Parliamentarians on Habitat; Mr. Koichi Yoshida, Vice Minister of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), Mr.


Song and dance as Japan funded project unites refugees and host community in northern Kenya

Kalobeiyei, Kenya 20 July 2017—Song and dance marked the ceremony where trainees of a Japanese technology were issued with certificates at Kalobeiyei Settlement  in Kenya’s Turkana County.

Awarding the certificates to the graduates – which was a mixture of the host community and refugees- First Secretary at the Japan Embassy in Nairobi Mr. Ito Yo challenged them to put into practice what they had learnt to earn themselves a decent living.
