UN-Habitat and partners inaugurate second community garden in Gaza Strip

Beit Lahia, Gaza Strip, 29 August 2018 – Coinciding with the Joint UN Campaign in the State of Palestine to celebrate the International Youth Day, UN-Habitat jointly with UN-Women, the Palestinian Housing Council, Aisha Association for Woman and child protection, and Gateway recently inaugurated the second safe and inclusive community garden in Beit Lahia in Gaza Strip.


UN-Habitat Egypt to develop RAS EL HEKMA Waterfront new city in Egypt

Based on the successful partnership between UN-Habitat Egypt and General Organization for Physical Planning and New Urban Communities (GOPP) to design the Al-Alamein New City (17,000 feddans – 3 Million inhabitants) using a new paradigm in planning and establishing new towns following principles aligned with the New Urban Agenda and the SDGs (for more information see links below); The Egyptian Government requested th



International planning experts promote Planning Guidelines in Japan and China

Fukuoka, Japan 22 August 2018—A group of experts and government representatives from around the world recently gathered in Fukuoka for the first ever Global Symposium on Urban and Territorial Planning.

This was a follow-up to an event four years ago when UN-Habitat invited international planning experts to conclude the drafting of the International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning (IG-UTP).



Improving Public Transport Services for Women: A Story from Cairo

Cairo, 2 August 2018--Due to their specific needs and responsibilities such as caring for children, the elderly or people with disabilities, going to work, as well running the household, women generally tend to have different travel patterns than men. Many are often subject to sexual harassment on public transport or encounter barriers such as poorly lit streets and bad quality footpaths, which inhibit their access to public transport.



Urban experts and practitioners trained in monitoring SDG 11 indicators

Cairo, 26 July 2018 - The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) and UN-Habitat held a regional training workshop in Cairo on monitoring and reporting of SDG 11 Arab States between 3 – 5 July 2018.  The workshop was designed to enhance the capacity of national statistical officers and urban experts and practitioners in the sub-region to collect, analyse and report data on



UN forum spotlights cities, where struggle for sustainability ‘will be won or lost’

Through the inherently integrated nature of urban development, the 11th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) impacts a wide range of 2030 Agenda issues from sustainable consumption and production to affordable and clean energy along with health, sustainable transportation, clean water and sanitation. Basically, life on land.

According to the UN, cities are where the struggle for global sustainability “will either be won or lost.”

