1. Introduction
This survey is mandated by the Executive Board of UN-Habitat, following its third session of the year 2023 that took place from 28 to 30 November 2023. This survey evaluates the effectiveness of the session and to further improve the process and outcome of future sessions.   

In line with rule 1.1 of the rules of procedure, the Executive Board is supposed to “meet in regular session, two or three times per year, as appropriate, or at such times and duration as it shall determine”. The Functions of the Executive Board are outlined in Rule 5 of the rules of procedure and includes among others; to provide oversight mechanisms by Member States for UN-Habitat to enhance its normative and operational activities and to ensure accountability, transparency, efficiency and effectiveness of the Organization.

This survey targets all Member States including Members of the Executive Board. Your responses to the survey are anonymous. All responses will be analyzed and included in the survey report. 

Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete the survey and for your commitment to improving efficiency and effectiveness of the Executive Board sessions
  1. Assessment Scale
In this survey, a rating scale of level 5 (strongly agree) to level 1 (strongly disagree) will be used. The scale is as follows:
Level 5 = Strongly Agree; Level 4= Agree; Level 3= Somewhat Agree; Level 2= Disagree; Level 1= Strongly Disagree. You should mark what is appropriate.

There are also multiple-choice questions and single-choice questions. There are open-ended questions where you are expected to provide your observations, opinions and suggestions.

A. Alignment of the functions and competence of the Executive Board with the Provisional Agenda of the sessions of the Board:

Questions Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Question 2: If the Secretariat were to help Member States and their Delegation understand the functions and competence of the Executive Board, what would be a better way to do so?

B. Quality and Usefulness of pre-session documents:

Questions Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

C. Pre-session Briefing by the Executive Director:

Question 6: Please rate the usefulness of the Executive Director’s pre-session briefing which takes place two weeks prior to each session as provided for under rule 6.10 of the rules of procedure

D. Number of sessions per year of the Executive Board:

Question 8: Rule 1 of the rules of procedure of the Executive Board provides that “The Executive Board of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme shall meet in regular session two or three times per year.” Since the establishment of the Board in May 2019, the Board has met twice in 2020, twice in 2021, twice in 2022 and three times in 2023. As per your experience, do you think holding two sessions per year is adequate to cover the necessary agenda items and relevant matters?
Question 10: The 2023 third session of the Executive Board was held over three days. Was the allocated number of days for that session adequate?

E. Preparations and implementation of the 2023 third session of the Executive Board:

Questions Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Question 13: For future Executive Board sessions, what format would you recommend? (single choice only)
Questions Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Questions Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Question 18: Based on your views of the 2023 third session of the Board, give suggestions on how the Executive Director and Secretariat could better support Member States to ensure their active and substantive engagement during the sessions of the Executive Board

F: Other Questions to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Executive Board: