A framework to address universal access to safe and inclusive public spaces 2030
General Information
UN-Habitat will partner with the New School and New America alongside other partners on a two-part event to mark the occasion of the Post 2015 Development Summit in New York. The broad focus is on the Sustainable Development Goals and plans for a Safer Cities Campaign in the lead up to Habitat III.
- The first part (approx. 1 hour) will detail and discuss the UN-Habitat Safer Cities progress over the past 20 years with specific case studies and evidence of what works. It will also discuss implications of the SDGs for UN-Habitat’s on-going work.
- The second part (approx. 1 hour) will detail and discuss the pre-launch of a Campaign for Safer Public Spaces and Streets. The Campaign will be officially launched at Habitat III and over the coming year UN-Habitat is seeking to build a coalition of partners and collect public input to the Campaign.
- Next City is the media partner for the event.
Safer Cities, based on its 20 years of tested methodology and practice in over 80 municipalities in 24 countries, promises to be one of the foundational guides for the realization of SDG 11 Target 7 on the realization of safe and inclusive public spaces, particularly for women, children, the elderly and persons with special abilities.
The Sustainable Development Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe and in particular, Target 7 of this Goal: By 2030, provide universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible, green and public spaces, in particular for women and children, older persons and persons with disabilities will be the basis of this panel discussion.
- Define preliminary goals and roll-out plan for the Safer Public Spaces and Streets Campaign.
- What is the Campaign trying to achieve?
- What is the Call to Action?
- What is the Campaign’s timeline?
- Establish a working framework for building a coalition of global partnerships towards Safer Cities in the New Urban Agenda.
- How could the Campaign be structured to allow for broad ownership?
- What is the range of stakeholders to enlist in this effort?
- Outline role and specific opportunities for public input to Campaign.
- What does a true “Citizen-Centered” Campaign look like? How will the critical needs of residents be reflected in the Campaign’s design and implementation?
- What participatory mechanisms will ensure that vulnerable residents are directly engaged in the Campaign?
Download Programme of the Event
Contact Person
- Juma Assiago, Lead, Safer Cities Programme, juma.assiago@unhabitat.org Ext: 23771;
- Lena Simet, PhD. Candidate, The New School University
- Pamela Puchalski, Director of Resilient Communities, New America