Rapid Own-Source Revenue Analysis of Kisumu
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Rapid Own-Source Revenue Analysis of Kisumu

This is the final report presented to the senior management of the Government of Kisumu as part of the pilot of the ROSRA tool in October of 2019.

The ROSRA tool helps local governments optimize their Own-Source Revenues (OSR), strengthening Municipal Finance foundations, enhancing creditworthiness and enabling local governments to leverage external resources to fund their development. It quantifies revenue leakages and deconstructs known bottlenecks to identify root causes and entry points for reform. By supporting local revenue administrations in better understanding/communicating the weaknesses of their OSR systems, it facilitates strategic and resource effective interventions and helps to build reform momentum within local governments.

The ROSRA tool is based on UN-Habitat’s successful experiences in optimizing OSR in Afghanistan, Hargeisa (Somalia), Kiambu (Kenya) and around the world. The ROSRA methodology was thus developed by extracting the key lessons from UN-Habitat’s own experiences and complementing them with a comprehensive literature review.