The CityRAP Tool is UN-Habitat and DiMSUR’s flagship product. It is a tool used for training city managers and municipal technicians in small to intermediate sized cities or neighborhoods in big cities in sub-Saharan Africa. CityRAP Tool’s process includes a set of trainings, exercises and activities directed at municipalities that want to kick-start their resilience action planning. CityRAP puts local governments and urban stakeholders in the driver’s seat of urban resilience planning to ensure capacity retention and use.

CityRAP enables communities to understand and plan actions aimed at reducing risk and building resilience through the development of a Resilience Framework for Action. The tool’s design allows local governments to adapt and implement it with minimal external intervention. It draws on participatory methods – such as local government self-assessments, participatory risk mapping exercises and cross-sectorial action planning – to leverage local knowledge for understanding and planning resilience.

News and Stories

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Between August and September
DiMSUR and UN-Habitat – conducted the CityRAP Tool process in Chokwe municipality in Mozambique with participation of the local community
After Less than
1 year
Chokwe community reorganized informal settlements in the urban area.

Donors and partners

The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) and the Technical Centre for Disaster Risk Management, Sustainability and Urban Resilience (DiMSUR) collaborated to develop a tool to strengthen the capacity of city managers and technicians in the developing world to build their city’s resilience and effectively reduce urban risks.

The City Resilience Action Planning (CityRAP) Tool aims to enable local governments of small to intermediate sized cities, or neighbourhoods/districts of bigger cities or metropolitan areas, to plan and undertake practical actions to strengthen the resilience of their cities. It targets local governments with limited experience in risk reduction and resilience planning and an urban population size of maximum 250,000 people.

Our Experts

Mathias Spaliviero