
National governments are traditionally seen as the authority on immigration policy and asylum, however, cities are becoming increasingly important in the integration of migrants. They are the de facto managers of migration as the government level closest to citizens, are impacted the most from migration issues such as social cohesion and providing access to basic services and are therefore the best equipped to identify the needs and challenges on the ground and implement strategies that reflect these needs.

The Mediterranean City-to-City Migration Project (MC2CM) brings together cities and experts on migration issues, human rights, and sustainable urban development in order to improve migration governance at the city level. By increasing the knowledge base on urban migration, MC2CM nurtures peer-to-peer dialogues and actions to support mutual learning on specific urban challenges such as social cohesion, intercultural dialogue, employment, housing rights and provision of basic services for migrants, among others. MC2CM has brought migration to the forefront of respective cities that, until recently, had limited experience in local governance of migration.

News and Stories

Featured Stories & Videos

Web-based learning modules were conducted live on topics relating to migration issues
Policy Recommendations were made based on data and shared among the network to improve migration urban governance.
Development of
City Priority Papers and City Migration Profiles

Related Sustainable Development Goals

Related Sustainable Development Goals

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SDG 5 logo
SDG8 Icon
SDG 10 logo
SDG 11 logo
SDG 13 logo
SDG 16 logo

Donors and partners

The MC2CM project is done in collaboration between the project partners using the comparative advantage of each partner: engagement with local governments (UCLG), migration policy and migration governance (ICMPD) and sustainable urban development (UN-Habitat).

In the project, UN-Habitat provides the expertise on sustainable urban development, with a focus on housing, makes the link to the New Urban Agenda and SDG11, leads on regional learning events, seminars, webinars, and learning reports focusing on: housing, urban planning, slum upgrading, forced evictions, basic services such as water and sanitation. ICMPD leads the overall project implementation, including day-to-day management and logistics for all activities, as well as provides inputs and leads on the implementation of selected actions, providing expertise on migration-related matters. UCLG provides expertise and mechanisms to effectively reach out to its members: networks of local authorities and local authorities themselves, including implementation of effective peer learning tools and observatories, definition and dissemination of technical and policy recommendation at local, national and international level.

Our Experts

Christophe Lalande & Jesus Salcedo Villanueva
Housing Unit, Housing and Slum Upgrading Branch