
Cities are the engines for social and economic development. In conflict contexts, cities can also be the places where recovery and reconstruction start, and stability is nurtured. Three activities create the conditions for stimulating the urban economy, promoting investment, and increasing the legitimacy of the state by harnessing cities for state and peace-building:

  1. Surveying and registering urban properties to secure land rights;
  2. Strategic action planning to guide investments and realize local economic development; and
  3. Citizen engagement in revenue collection, municipal planning and budgeting for a strengthened social contract.
More than
properties have been surveyed and registered in twelve municipalities with support from UN-Habitat.
strategic action plans have been completed. These plans will guide the implementation of infrastructure projects at municipal and district levels.
US$ 7 million
in additional revenues have been collected from municipal services charge from 300,000 properties from various municipalities.

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Our Experts

Antony Lamba
Programme Manager
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific