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To address the poverty and exclusion and improve the basic infrastructure and social service delivery the government based on NSP experiences wanted to design a multi-sectoral program and based on the community driven development principles.

UN-Habitat was providing the technical assistance to the government in the design and delivery of this important government program. UN-Habitat as Oversight consultant build the capacity of DMM to take the charge for the implementation of this program.

This has been a good case for capacity building of the government institution that UN-Habitat while supporting the design of the program for urban part has also build the capacity of IDLG which is responsible for management and implementation of citizens’ charter in urban area, equip them with the required tools, processes and procedure the structure to manage the implementation of the program.

UN-Habitat as oversight consultant (OC) of the urban part of Citizens’ Charter had contract with Independent Directorate of Local government (IDLG) for two year which was completed on March 14, 2019.

 The key achievements of the OC can be summarized as a comprehensive, strategically-planned effort designed to hand over all project elements to IDLG and Deputy Ministry of Municipalities (DMM) at the end of the project’s first phase. The OC supported the establishment of the offices and organization structure for the Project Implementation Unit (PIU), Provincial Management Units (PMUs), supporting the procurement of Facilitating Partners (FPs), with clear TORs, and deliverables. The OC wrote and revised all the training materials for the project, including all manuals, guidelines, hand-outs, presentations, etc. for the following units: Procurement and Contract Management; Operations; Finance; Social Training; Technical; Gender; M&E; MIS; Reporting; Public Communications & Visibility. The OC supported the establishment of the MIS and M&E and reporting, financial management and accounting and procurement system in the centre and provincial offices of the DMM. The OC also supported PMU operations in the four cities (Herat, Mazar-i-Sharif, Jalalabad, and Kandahar).


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Donors and partners

Preparation of the development plan for the GA level required the partnership of major local player and UN-Habitat supported the DMM to prepare a MOU with all the government partner at provincial level to work together to support the community projects at community and gozar level.

Our Experts

Najib Amiri
Kabul, district 5 Afghanistan