Title and short description (50 words max)
Organizers and Partners

NDC Partnership Pavillon
UNDP UN-Habitat ‘Finding Common ground - Linking Cities, NAPs and NDCs - Integrating the needs and priorities of urban areas into NAPs will enable countries to achieve more resilient and sustainable urban development while reaching the country’s NDC targets and directing climate finance into scaling up investment in urban resilience. Launching of a supplement to the NAP technical guidelines called “Integrating Human Settlements into National Adaptation Plans” 
UN-Habitat & UNDP

Global Climate Action Area - Lubelskie
Human settlements action event under the UNFCCC’s Marrakesh Partnership - The event will consist of three panel discussions:Integrated action: integrated climate action for low-carbon and resilient societies;"Raising ambition: sectoral progress and achievements
 with a special focus on the buildings and construction sector;"Looking forward: financing multilevel action"

African Dev Bank Pavilion
State of African Cities: Investing to Build Resilience - Presentation of UN-Habitat’s flagship State of the African Cities Report and an interractive exchange on how African cities can attract FDI through sustainable investments.

Action Hub
Enabling Urban Sustainability transitions: policy integration and acces to finance for local authorities. Proper urban planning with the integration of energy, transport and resources sectors in the delivery on the NDCs is vital for climate action and urban inclusive accessibility.This event will present recent activities on implementation project development, policy integration and urban finance options. 
UN-Habitat, Wuppertal Institute, UN-Evironment

African Dev Bank Pavilion
Financing Urban Resilience - Solution for a Multi-Level Problem - An event to highlight key opportunities that climate action can have if targeting informal settlements, and how these efforts can positively contribute to the wider socio-economic and sustainable development.
UN-Habitat, Cities Alliance, Coalition for urban Transition

09:30 - 18:00
EU Pavilion, Room Brussels
Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy: Mayors4Ambition - This year, the GCoM day provides a platform to follow-up on the ambition that Covenant cities have set for themselves, including in the context of the Global Climate Action Summit and on the One Planet Charter, to showcase achievements, address innovative approaches and inspire others.
European Commission, Global Covenant of Mayors Secretariat, Global and Regional city networks, Committee of the Regions

Action Hub
Addressing the most vulnerable first: Building Climate Change resilience in informal settlements. Informal Settlements house close to 1 billion people in the developing world that are extremely vulnerbale to the effects of climate change. New approaches for resilience building help these vulnerable populations adapt to climate change

13:45 - 14:45
Main Venue, Room Bug
(One UN event) for Climate-compatible cities: Resilient cities as a driver for sustainable development - The One UN Event on Human Settlements will showcase solutions of catalytic urban climate action reducing risk and vulnerability, and will provide space for discussions on the integration of the 2030 Agenda, the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, the Sendai Framework for DRR and the New Urban Agenda.
UN-Habitat and UNISDR = participation of WHO, UNESCO, UN Environment, UNCDF, UN SPIDER, UPU, UNITAR, UNU

Korean Pavilion
The Economics of Financing Climate Change Action in Cities - This forum is aimed at sharing cases of city and local governments’ climate action.

Main Venue, Room Pleniny
The CitiesIPCC Research and Action Agenda for effective urban responses to climate change - The CitiesIPCC Research Agenda presents key knowledge gaps jointly identified by the academic, practitioner and urban policy-making communities. The agenda will direct and stimulate knowledge generation that will underpin effective and efficient urban responses to climate change. 
CitiesIPCC coalition

Talaona Plenary 
High level roundtable of the Talanoa Dialogue - The high-level round tables will take place immediately after the opening meeting and are expected to run for about half a day. Ministers and other participants will be invited to share a short story on different subjects, and the roundtables will focus on the third question of the Talanoa Dialogue – “How do we get there?”

Conference Room 4
10th Climate and Clean Air Coalition High Level Assembly - The event will discuss the ‘Action programm to address the 1.5 C challenge’ and the endorsement of the’ Talanoa Statement’

RYSY Meeting Room 24
Side and Training Event Urban-Rural Linkages to Advance Integrated Territorial Development: Guiding Principles and Framework for Action” - Participants should have enhanced understanding of the importance of strengthening Urban-Rural Linkages and integrated territorial development strategies – for achieving the SDGs, specifically mitigation solutions and multi-stakeholders integration. 
UNFCCC, UNCCD and CBD, Dr Sandra Piesik (3 ideas ltd)