5.9652838175969, 10.154082626969
Agriculture and Environmental Protection Association (CAEPA) Cameroon
Enhancing waste management in Bamenda, Cameroon

The disruption of public services and the increasing surge of migrants in Bamenda has led to the failure of waste collection services in the city. With no management infrastructure, garbage heaps have increased, causing a threat to health and environment. Most of the generated waste is dumped in the neighbourhood and burned, resulting in littering, leakage of plastic in water bodies and pollution.
CAEPA is addressing this issue through development of a waste management program that will generate employment opportunities and enhance livelihoods for the urban poor with a special focus on marginalized women and girls. CAEPA is doing so through promoting awareness, setting up collection service, decentralizing composting operations and providing recycling services to households

National Union of Scrap and Waste Workers in Nigeria (NUSWON) Women in Informal Employment (WIEGO)