8.9943689105581, 38.764753192388
100% ENVIRONMENT AND COMMUNITIES: waste recovery and communities’ awareness raising for the protection of Kebena river in Addis Ababa

The project contributes to the improvement of the environmental, living and health conditions of Addis Ababa residents through the promotion of an integrated and sustainable approach to urban natural resources, correct management of solid waste and the importance of environmental protection, through awareness raising and the creation of collection and recycling chains for plastic, paper and organic waste. It replicates the best practices of the project "100% plastic" in Hawassa town, seeing the involvement of the communities on environmental protection and the establishment of a Private Public Partnership capable of coordinating the resources for a more efficient waste collection system.

COBA Impact, WISE (Women in Self Employment), ERICA Cooperative, RANAS Ltd., GIZ ETHIOPIA – NatuRES Programme; Donor: Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS)