Reference: CFP/10-2021/YOURS/UNH/SOM
Size of grant: US$299,060.00
Purpose of CFP: To contribute to reduced spatial urban inequalities by promoting sustainable urban regeneration, youth development and re-integration of marginalised groups through building capacity AND socio-economic resilience of urban communities
Submission Deadline Date and time: 24th November 2021 5:00pm East African Time
Address CFP response by email to the attention of:
UN-Habitat Somalia Programme
E-mail address:
The email must quote the CFP reference in email subject: CFP/10-2021/YOURS/UNH/SOM
Instructions to applicants:
- Proposals received after the above deadline will not be considered.
- Proposals and accompanying documents sent to a different email address will not be considered. Any clarification queries and correspondences should also be sent to this email address.
- Proposals not providing the requested information will be disregarded.
- Applicant’s proposal and accompanying documents must clearly indicate the CFP reference: CFP/10-2021/YOURS/UNH/SOM
- All prices must be in USD
- Proposal language should be in English
Purpose of Call for Proposal:
UN-Habitat’s Somalia Programme is launching a call for proposals (CFP) to seek partnership in the implementation of Strengthening Sustainable Urban Regeneration through Youth Development and Re-integration of Marginalised Groups in Somalia. Local authorities and non-profit organisations are invited to submit proposals which aim to achieve the following expected result:
- Increased employment opportunities in market sector driven value chains under the sustainable productive sectors.
- Improved social cohesion through engagement and participation of youths & marginalized communities in local governance and national decision-making processes
- Enhanced local, social, economic and spatial re-integration of displacement affected households and marginalized communities.
- Strengthened ability of local authorities to deliver urban services to displacement affected communities and implement youth development initiatives.
Proposal must demonstrate that they contribute to the following outcomes:
Outcome 1: Enhanced livelihoods through employment opportunities in market sector driven value chains under the sustainable productive sectors.
Output 1.1: Employment opportunities created through the use of labour-intensive approaches and demand-based skills development
- Productive sectors with higher employment creation potential selected in Mogadishu.
- In line with the selected sectors and identified skills gap, develop training curriculum, modules and certification process with the participation of private sector and training providers.
- Provide literacy, numeracy and market-oriented specialised vocational/technical skills trainings
- Through research and data collection of economic growth sectors, contribute to the development of a value chain strategy for Mogadishu that is market driven.
- Conduct on the job training for vulnerable beneficiaries in identified economic growth sectors tied to value chain results.
Output 1.2: Business incubator hubs established or strengthened to create a platform for innovative business solutions and to maximise start-up success rate.
- Assess the business development service environment in selected region/district of project operation
- Set up and make the incubator operational in each selected region/district, in collaboration with the public, private sectors and civil society and develop strategies to ensure their sustainability. Through incubators contribute to SME development.
- Build partnerships with public/private stakeholders to support business development ideas cultivated from the hubs.
- Host co-working space for start-ups and conduct training that enhances the capacity of small business development including management and basic office training, financial management, ICT and integrating innovation into their small-scale business development.
- Support the development of standardization mechanisms for goods/services to support local economic development. Contribute to framework and policy development/discourse at local and state levels.
Project Key Information
- UN-Habitat Project Title : Strengthening Sustainable Urban Regeneration through Youth Development and Re-integration of Marginalised Groups.
- Locations
- Town/City: Mogadishu
- Country: Somalia
- Anticipated start date: 15th December 2021
- Estimated duration of project in calendar months: 1.5 years, this will be delivered over two phases of 9 months each.
- Maximum proposed value in US$:299,060.00
- Lead Organization Unit: UN-HABITAT Somalia Programme
Brief Background of the Project
UN-Habitat Somalia is implementing the Youth and Urban Regeneration in Somalia project. The project is designed to contribute to reduced spatial urban inequalities by promoting sustainable urban regeneration, youth development and re-integration of marginalised groups through building capacity of government institutions and socio-economic resilience of urban communities. The project has four main outcomes:
- Increased employment opportunities in market sector driven value chains under the sustainable productive sectors.
- Improved social cohesion through engagement and participation of youths & marginalised communities in local governance and national decision-making processes
- Enhanced local, social, economic and spatial re-integration of displacement affected households and marginalised communities.
- Strengthened capacity of local authorities to deliver urban services to displacement affected communities and implement youth development initiatives.
- Response to COVID-19 pandemic in Kismayo
UN-HABITAT Somalia Programme has implemented various projects that address the gaps and challenges for service provision, livelihood security, youth empowerment, public space upgrading and durable solutions through the lens of urbanization and local governance and sustainable development. Key components of this project therefore, focus on sustainable resolutions to protracted displacement taking into account the inclusion of refugees, displaced populations and migrants, and the needs of disabled people through a range of actions, including facilitating access to “affordable serviced land, housing, energy, safe drinking water and sanitation, waste disposal, sustainable mobility...and information and communication technologies,” and to public spaces for all. The focus on vulnerable groups takes center stage with a focus on particularly cultivating the social, political and economic capacities of youth so that have the same access to opportunities and spaces for inclusion. In terms of social engagement and social upward mobility.
The Project contributes to reduced spatial urban inequalities by promoting sustainable urban regeneration, youth development and re-integration of marginalized groups through building capacity of government institutions and socio-economic resilience of urban communities through contributing to employment opportunities created through the use of labor-intensive approaches and demand-based skills development; the development of business incubator hubs established or strengthened to create a platform for innovative business solutions and to maximize start-up success rate, cultivating safe and generative spaces for holistic youth development and improving social cohesion through engagement and participation of youths and marginalized communities in local governance.
In the case of support to vulnerable communities in particular, youth and women, the implementing partner will be delivering the following main outputs and activities.
What are we looking for?
In this call for proposals, UN-Habitat is looking for implementing partnerships non-profit organisations that can manage and deliver innovative economic development projects that contribute to local economic development while also contributing to enhancing youth empowerment initiatives within the project locations. Overall, this will contribute to reduced spatial urban inequalities by promoting sustainable urban regeneration, youth development and re-integration of marginalised groups through building capacity of government institutions and socio-economic resilience of urban communities.
Interested applicants can either propose a project that demonstrates improved social cohesion through engagement and participation of youths and vulnerable communities in economic empowerment in market driven value chains or a series of smaller projects (around 5-10) that demonstrates the above.
All project proposals must have the potential to be used as a demonstration project to show reduced spatial urban inequalities. The aim is to show that building capacity of vulnerable communities through market-driven skills development and socio-economic resilience of urban communities’ projects can have a big impact on urban life.
Projects must be ready to start at once and be completed within a period of 24 months. Each Implementing Partner can receive up to $298,650 for the full portfolio, including administrative costs. The project or portfolio of projects should be implemented in the above selected regions.
Main activities and outputs for the implementing partnership
The Implementing Partner will be undertaking main activities as follows (but not limited to):
- Develop training curriculum, modules and certification process with the participation of private sector and training providers.
- Provide literacy, numeracy and market-oriented specialized skills trainings.
- Assess the business development service environment in selected region/district of project operation
- Set up and make the incubator operational in each selected region/district, in collaboration with the public, private sectors and civil society and develop strategies to ensure their sustainability.
- Contribute to discussion on national standardization processes.
- Develop framework/policy overview for approaches to standardization that can be utilized at federal level.
- Build partnerships with public/private stakeholders to support business development ideas cultivated from the hubs (Process will be ongoing throughout the duration of the project).
- Host co-working space for start-ups and conduct training that enhances the capacity of small business development including management and basic office training, financial management, ICT and integrating innovation into their small-scale business development.
- Develop and strengthen partnerships between private sector Chambers of Commerce & Industries and youth centers.
United Nations Partner Portal (UNPP)
The UN Secretariat has recently joined the UN Partner Portal (UNPP) on 31 August 2021. UNPP is the result of collaboration among UN Organizations and connects civil society partners and UN agencies. The portal was launched in January 2019 and is currently utilized by a growing number of UN Common System Organizations (UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA, WFP) to support partnership opportunities and facilitates a more efficient, harmonized and streamlined interaction between UN Organizations and their civil society partners, thereby eliminating duplicative efforts. By registering on the portal, partners create an online profile which lets UN agencies know about your work and how you can be contacted. It also allows partners to explore partnership opportunities issued by UNFPA, UNHCR, UNICEF, and WFP.
Going forward, all international and national non-governmental organizations that wish to be considered for partnership opportunities with the Secretariat will need to register and create a profile on the UN Partner Portal. Following a verification of the profile information, partners will be eligible to apply to partnership opportunities with the UN Secretariat as well as all other participating UN Organizations.
Attached are the overview of the UNPP and User manual for reference.
Eligibility Criteria
The applicant’s response should provide complete information and documents as outlined below. The proposal failing to fulfill this eligibility criteria will be considered as non-responsive.
Criteria |
Submission Details/ Documents Required |
Legal Status |
Organization profile and details |
Financial Capacity |
Exclusive bank account |
Integrity and Governance |
Evaluation of Proposals:
A two-stage procedure will be utilized in evaluating the proposals, with evaluation of the Technical Proposal (comprising of technical capacity, financial and administrative management capacity and technical proposal) being completed prior to any Financial Proposal being opened and compared.
Applicant’s submission of technical proposal and accompanying documents submitted in template Annex B and financial proposal in Annex C will be evaluated using the below criteria.
Evaluation Criteria |
Submission Details/ Documents Required |
1. Technical capacity (score weight: 20%) |
1.1 Does the organization have the relevant experience and proven track record in implementing activities in the areas of the project? Has it managed in the past projects of similar technical complexities and financial size? Is the project linked with the core business of the implementing partner? |
1.2 Does the organization have qualified technical staff with the experience and the technical skills required by the project? What is the staff size, type, qualification and education background? |
1.3 Does the organization have a clear and strong link with an identifiable constituency relevant to the targeted population of the project? Does it have the ability to impact on the targeted population and on the issues? Does it have strong presence in the field and for how long? Does it have adequate capacity to work in key areas/regions where the proposed field activities will be implemented?
1.4 Does the organization possess adequate physical facilities, office equipment, transport, etc. to implement the activities? |
1.5 Does the organization have formal procedures to monitor project execution (e.g. milestones, outputs, expenditures…) |
2. Financial and administrative management capacity (scoring weight: 10%) |
2.1 Has the organization been in operation over a period of at least 2 years to demonstrate its financial sustainability and relevance? |
2.2 Does the organization have qualified staff in Finance? Is the current accounting system computerized and does have the capacity to collect and provide separate financial reports on the activities executed under the Agreement of Cooperation? Does it have systems and practices to monitor and report whether the project deliverables and expenditures are within agreed time and budget? Does it have minimum segregation of duties in place (separation between project management, finance/accounting and executive office)
2.3 Does the organization have the capacity to procure goods and services on a transparent and competitive basis? (if applicable) check for procurement unit with experienced staff |
2.4 Does the organization have formal procedures and controls to mitigate fraud such as multiple signature signatories on bank accounts, reporting and prosecution of incidences of fraud? |
2.5 Does the organization have capacity to provide in-kind, financial, personnel contribution as UN-Habitat Implementing Partner in this present project? Please give details of contribution nature and size. |
3. Technical Proposal (score weight: 50%) |
Technical Proposal document (Annex B)– The applicant has to submit technical proposal using the template provided in Annex B
3. Financial Proposal (score weight: 20%) |
3.1 Is the budget for each component of the activity to be performed by the Implementing Partner (i) cost-effective (i.e. the cost should be economical and prudently estimated to avoid any under/over estimation) (ii) justifiable/well supported and (iii) accurate and complete |
Budget Proposal (Annex C) - The applicant must submit a budget proposal in the template provided in Annex C
This Call for Proposals does not entail any commitment on the part of UN-Habitat, either financial or otherwise. UN-Habitat reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals without incurring any obligation to inform the affected applicant(s) of the grounds.
- Interested Organizations must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochure, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.).
- The CFP and accompanying documents must be received in accordance with instructions provided. Applications to be sent to, CFP submitted to a different email address other than the specified one will not be considered.
- CFP from applicants failing to provide the complete information to fulfill the basic eligibility criteria will be considered non-responsive.
- CFP received after the above deadline will not be considered
- Organizations will be selected in accordance with the procedure set out in the UN-Habitat IP Management policy and Standard Operating Procedures.
- CFP from applicants failing to provide the requested information will be disregarded.
- This CFP does not entail any commitment on the part of UN-Habitat, either financial or otherwise. UN-Habitat reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Proposals without incurring any obligation to inform the affected applicant(s) of the grounds.
- All prices must be in USD