Request for an Implementing Partner to support the implementation of the project:“Technical Assistance for the elaboration of the National Urban Policy of Senegal’’ (United Nations Human Settlements Programme – UN-Habitat)
Submission Deadline Date and time: 13.08.2021 at 15h00 EAT / Nairobi time
Please submit your EoI either in English or in French to:
The call is only for no-profit organizations
Key Information of the Assignment
- Purpose of the Call for EoI: Support the Government of Senegal and its partners with technical assistance in the elaboration of its National Urban Policy (NUP), including its action and investment plan.
- Locations
- Town/City: Dakar
- Country: Senegal
- Planned start date of the Assignment: 1st of September 2021
- Assignment duration in calendar months: 12 months
- Lead Organization Unit: Regional Office for Africa (ROAf), UN-Habitat
Brief Background of the Project
The Government of Senegal, through the Ministry of Town Planning, Housing and Public Hygiene (MULHP) and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) have agreed to collaborate for the development of a National Urban Policy (NUP) in order to face the challenges of rapid urbanization and take advantage of the increased capacities and interest in the urban issue.
UN-Habitat is the United Nations agency dedicated to promoting the socially and environmentally sustainable development of human settlements with the aim of making them more secure and inclusive. One of its flagship initiatives is the National Urban Policy Programme. The objective of the NUP to be developed is to mobilize all urban actors and integrate and coordinate various sectoral policies for the development of a common and global vision of national urban development in Senegal. In addition, the development of the NUP should help guide post-COVID-19 crisis reconstruction in Senegal with regard to the urban sector.
The process of developing the NUP is an essential step in the reaffirmation of urban space and territoriality. The NUP is supposed to define the orientations and actions necessary to support urban development as well as the overall institutional and legal framework to face the problems linked to rapid urban development in the medium and long term, in particular the prevention and regularization of informal settlements, access to land, basic services and infrastructure, urban legislation, delegation of powers to local regional authorities, financial flows, urban planning regulations, urban mobility and urban energy needs as well as the creation of jobs. The policy therefore constitutes a multisectoral and multi-actor approach which requires that the complexity of the social, economic, spatial and environmental dimensions be taken into account simultaneously.
Urban Policies have been recognized internationally as important instruments to ensure the implementation and monitoring of global agendas such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the New Urban Agenda. These agendas recognize that the challenge and opportunities of urbanization for sustainable development extend beyond the city scale, making it a global priority and a government responsibility, which calls for more coordinated and integrated policies.
It should be noted that this process of developing the NUP is not the first cooperation between the State of Senegal and UN-Habitat. Already in 2004, a national urban profile of the country was produced to assess the needs and appropriate response mechanisms to meet the Millennium Development Goals. In 2016, during the Third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III), a national committee was created to produce Senegal's National Report. It was a question of examining the implementation of the commitments made by the Member States after the Habitat II Conference of 1996 in Istanbul, the new challenges to be met, recent trends and the forward-looking vision for sustainable development in urban areas, as well as cross-cutting issues. This analytical work, which will serve as support for the preparation of the diagnosis of the NUP, was carried out in a participatory and inclusive process with all the actors of urban development: State, local authorities, technical and academic experts, civil society, private sector, among others.
Drawing inspiration from the work carried out in the past, Senegal's NUP will constitute a new generation, adapted and innovative policy that will achieve a transformative impact in the short and medium term in line with its long-term vision. For the realization of this important policy, UN-Habitat in concert with MULHP has decided to secure the services of an Implementing Partner, whose objectives, the consistency of the activities as well as their progress are presented below.
Main activities to be carried out during the Assignment
The Implementing Partner will work with a National Expert hired for this initiative. The mission is to support the Government of Senegal and its partners with technical assistance in the development of its National Urban Policy (NUP), including its action/investment plan. This policy will integrate the non-exhaustive aspects relevant to urban planning, in particular the rise in poverty, insecurity, vulnerability to risks and disasters and various environmental problems (deforestation, drought, pollution, overfishing, soil erosion, floods…). This assistance will be provided through the Ministry of Town Planning, Housing and Public Hygiene (MULHP).
Under the general supervision of MULHP, the guidelines of the Steering Committee (COPIL) established to support the development of the NUP as well as inputs from its Technical Secretariat (TS), and with the support of UN-Habitat. The work will need to be coordinated with the National Expert hired for this initiative. The National Expert will be responsible for: (i) suggesting personalities, agencies, institutions that can make a contribution to the development process of the NUP in Senegal, taking into account the mapping of stakeholders; (ii) facilitate and support the organization, coordination and holding of regional consultations and the national validation workshop; and (iii) contribute to communication and advocacy in order to mobilize actors and resources to finalise the NUP and facilitate its future implementation.
The Implementing Partner will be responsible for the development, writing and editing of the deliverables listed below:
- Write an inception report including a detailed methodology and work plan based on these Terms of Reference;
- Prepare a mapping of the stakeholders in the NUP elaboration process, explaining their role and their commitments in the dynamics of urbanization in Senegal - this will then allow to define their roles in the implementation of the NUP; stakeholders include, among others, the ministerial departments concerned, local authorities, representatives of local communities, academia, the private sector, the banking system, non-governmental organizations, the media, bilateral cooperation partners and multilateral organizations, professional associations, para-public and service institutions, etc.
- Revision / finalization of the diagnosis on the basis of the results of the National Workshop to launch the NUP and on recent existing reports and studies (the Municipal Development Agency - ADM, which works under the supervision of the Ministry of Territorial Communities, Development and Territorial Planning) and available within ministerial departments, universities, private sector cooperation, non-governmental organizations, professional orders, certain neighborhood associations on various themes. Considering the inclusive perspective of the future policy, it would be important to review documents, physical or online, of good practices and recommendations related to Senegal’s urbanization priorities.
- Support MULHP in the organization of consultation workshops in the seven (7) regional poles of Senegal, which aim to: (i) sensitize local urban actors on the importance of the development of the NUP; (ii) complete the mapping of stakeholders at the level of each regional pole, which will also make it possible to set up a network of resource persons who can be consulted during the subsequent stages of the NUP formulation process; (iii) elicit and obtain the opinions of regional, community and civil society officials on the opportunities and constraints identified with regard to the urbanization processes at the regional hub level, and to identify the orientations and recommendations for the elaboration of the NUP. Specifically, the role of the implementing partner will consist of:
- Support the preparation of regional workshops, in terms of logistics and content;
- Prepare communication materials and ensure the facilitation of regional workshops;
- Prepare a summary report of the regional workshops.
- Based on the recommendations of the diagnosis, the national workshop and the regional consultation workshops, propose priority axes for the prospects and orientations of urban policies in Senegal including options for the NUP.
- Development / Formulation of the Senegal NUP project including its action / investment plan – after validation of the revised documents by the Technical Secretariat and the Steering Committee, the implementing partner must produce a preliminary version of the National Urban Policy of Senegal;
- Organization of a National Urban Forum (NUF) for the validation and launch of the Senegal NUP - the NUF will be a multi-stakeholder platform aimed at supporting sustainable urban development processes and debates at the level of Senegal, in particular by nurturing national contributions and participating in global development strategies. NUF's work will include elements of local, regional and national consultations, workshops and other capacity building and advocacy activities. Ideally, the NUF event should allow the harmonization of visions on urban development through the NUP. The objective of the Senegal NUF will be to validate the Senegal NUP document with the stakeholders, before it is widely disseminated and an awareness and advocacy campaign.
Risk Analysis
Anticipated Risks to the achievement of Objective |
Likelihood Scale of 1-5 1-Least Likely 5-Most Likely |
Impact Scale of 1-5 1-lowest Impact 5-Highest Impact |
Mitigation plan |
Operational: |
1. Low capacity of partners for implementation of territorial approach and urban-rural linkages |
3 |
3 |
Incorporate pilot implementation of the localized tool in policy. |
2. Inadequate cooperation of different levels of government |
3 |
4 |
Coordination with all levels of government will take place in all the activities of this project, as well as trainings and capacity development workshops |
3. COVID-19 restrictions hinder implementation and other processes |
4 |
4 |
Protection measures for staff/team can be taken, as well as respecting the national measures for gatherings and consultations. The online modality can also be foreseen for the meetings, as a way to mitigate the risks. |
4. Serious security risks would prevent the engagement of national/international staff in the area and hinder the implementation of the project during the trainings and workshops |
1 |
2 |
Security risks are low, however UNDSS provisions for inland travail will be respected |
Eligibility Criteria
Criteria |
Submission Details/ Documents Required |
Legal Status |
Certificate of registration/incorporation i.e.:
Organization profile and details |
Financial Capacity |
Selection Criteria
Criteria |
Submission Details/ Documents Required |
Weighting |
1. Technical and Operational Capacity/Approach |
70% |
1.1 Does the organization have the relevant experience and proven track record in implementing activities in the areas of the project? Has it managed in the past projects of similar technical complexities and financial size? Is the project linked with the core business of the IP? |
1.2 Does the organization have qualified technical staff with the experience and the technical skills required by the project? What is the staff size, type, qualification and education background? |
1.3 Does the organization have a clear and strong link with an identifiable constituency relevant to the targeted population of the project? Does it have the ability to impact on the targeted population and on the issues? Does it have strong presence in the field and for how long? Does it have adequate capacity to work in key areas/regions where the proposed field activities will be implemented? |
1.4 Does the organization possess adequate physical facilities, office equipment, transport, etc. to implement the activities? |
1.5 Does the organization have formal procedures to monitor project execution (e.g. milestones, outputs, expenditures…) |
1.6 Technical approach to implement the Assignment
(NB: No need for a detailed technical proposal at this stage; the latter will be requested once the detailed workplan to carry out the Assignment will be defined) |
2. Financial and Administrative Capacity and Estimated Budget |
30% |
2.1 Has the organization been in operation over a period of at least 2 years to demonstrate its financial sustainability and relevance? |
2.2 Does the organization have formal procedures and controls to mitigate fraud such as multiple signature signatories on bank accounts, reporting and prosecution of incidences of fraud? |
2.3 Does the organization have capacity to provide in-kind, financial, personnel contribution as UN-Habitat Implementing Partner in this present project? Please give details of contribution nature and size. |
2.4 What would be the estimated budget needed to carry out the Assignment
(NB: No need for a detailed budget at this stage; the latter will be requested once the detailed workplan to carry out the Assignment will be defined) |
Cumulative score for ratios |
100% |
- Interested Organizations must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochure, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc).
- The Call for EoI and accompanying documents must be received in accordance with instructions provided. The Call for EoI submitted to a different email address other than the specified one will not be considered.
- The Call for EoI from applicants failing to provide the complete information to fulfill the basic eligibility criteria will be considered non-responsive.
- The Call for EoI received after the above deadline will not be considered
- Organizations will be selected in accordance with the procedure set out in the UN-Habitat IP Management policy and Standard Operating Procedures.
- The Call for EoI from applicants failing to provide the requested information will be disregarded.
- This Call for EoI does not entail any commitment on the part of UN-Habitat, either financial or otherwise. UN-Habitat reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Proposals without incurring any obligation to inform the affected applicant(s) of the grounds.
- All prices must be in USD