
The purpose of the Call for Expression of Interest is to solicit interest from national not for profit urban civil society organizations as Implementing Partners that wish to participate in UN-Habitat operation and contribute complementary resources (human resources, knowledge, funds, in-kind contributions, supplies and/or equipment) to achieving common objectives as outlined below and subsequently agreed in an Agreement of Cooperation

Purpose of CFP: To implement a project in Uganda to support urban land tenure interventions

Submission Deadline Date and time: 24 December 2020, 5 P.M. Nairobi Time


Project Key Information

  • UN-Habitat Project Title : Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) Phase III Programme 
  • Locations
    • Uganda
  • Specific Location Site for this Call for Proposal
    • Mbale City, Uganda
  • Anticipated start date: 15th January 2021
  • Maximum proposed value in US$: 35,000
  • Estimated duration of project in calendar months: Five (5) months
  • Lead Organization Unit: Land, Housing and Shelter Section, Urban Practices Branch


Brief Background of the Project

The Global Land Tool Network, as facilitated by UN-Habitat, is an alliance of international, regional and national partners working together to “securing land and property rights for all” through the development of pro-poor and gender responsive land tools and approaches within the continuum of land rights framework. It supports the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Forests and Fisheries (VGGTs), Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the New Urban Agenda.

Like many developing countries, Uganda is currently experiencing unprecedented levels of urbanization, and as such more than 60% of this urban population is resident in the slums. The Ugandan constitution provides four tenure systems; Mailo, Freehold, Leasehold and Customary. Tenure insecurity has been one of the key hindrance to investment in housing and other infrastructure development. The lack of tenure security in the slums has greatly affected the productivity and effective utilization of the land. As a result, slums are characterized by high threat of forced evictions and affects access to adequate basic services. Central to addressing the issue of insecurity of land tenure is the registration and documenting of property rights. However, the existing conventional methods of land registration like surveying and titling are not flexible to the peculiar and complex context of rights in informal settlements and are unaffordable for the majority of slum dwellers. Furthermore, conventional approaches to secure land rights mainly acknowledge and recognize land and in some cases the structure owners, a situation that excludes the tenants, sub-tenants and structure owners who are the majority.

The National Slum Upgrading Strategy and Action Plan recommends tenure regularization and improving access to affordable land as one of the solutions to the problem of slums in the country’s urban areas. However, the implementation of this strategy and action plan has not been possible due to various factors like; lack of political will, limited resources, inadequate and inappropriate land management systems and tools.

Since July 2011, UN Habitat/Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) and partners has supported interventions to improve tenure security of urban poor through participatory slum profiling and household enumerations. Initially starting in Mbale Municipality in Mission and Bufumbo settlements in Namakwekwe Ward. The process revealed gaps in terms of accessibility to basic community services and how these were interlinked to tenure security issues. The information collected has been used by Mbale Slum Dwellers Federation to negotiate with Mbale Municipal authority to improve basic services in the settlements through Transforming Settlements of the Urban Poor in Uganda (TSUPU) program.

With the success of the pilot implementation of participatory profiling, enumeration and mapping using Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM) tool in the Municipality of Mbale in Uganda, scaling up initiatives were conducted in three more municipalities (Masaka, Entebbe and Tororo) in 2014. In 2015, further scaling up in 10 municipalities was undertaken to support the Uganda Support to Municipal Infrastructural Development (USMID), an extension of TSUPU in which 14 municipalities are being supported by the World Bank and Cities Alliance to address the infrastructural challenges. More recently in 2016, the initiative was also implemented in five settlements one in each of the five divisions of Kampala. This work resulted into development of two precinct neighborhood plans and improved tenure security for several slum dwellers who through a partnership with Buganda Kingdom acquired tenure documents for their land rights.

Building from previous projects and interventions, this project aims to strengthen tenure security of the urban poor in select informal settlements in Mbale City, Uganda.  

This project will focus in achieving the three mains Outcomes namely:

Outcome 1: Increased land tenure security for urban poor in select informal settlements in Mbale City.

Outcome 2: Improved knowledge and awareness of slum dweller communities on land-related policies, tools, and approaches that are inclusive, gender appropriate and fit-for-purpose towards securing land and property rights for all.

Outcome 3: Strengthened capacity of slum dwellers, community leaders, Municipal Authority Staff, and implementing partners as change agents to promote and advocate for appropriate land policies, tools and approaches that are inclusive, gender appropriate and fit-for-purpose.


Main Outputs and Activities

The implementing partner will be undertaking activities which include, but not limited to, the following:


Strengthening land tenure security of urban poor in select informal settlements in Mbale City

  • To mobilize and sensitize local partners and communities on project implementation towards addressing tenure insecurity issues.
  • To identify and work with change agents in improving tenure security of slum dwellers in select areas in settlements in Mbale Municipality.
  • To identify and implement select GLTN land tools and approaches.
  • To undertake participatory profiling, mapping and household enumerations.
  • To facilitate dispute resolution using ADR approach


Capacity Development and Training:

  • To provide technical backstopping to other GLTN in-country implementing partners on tools implementation.
  • To organize training and related events for the implementation of select land tools and disseminate good practices.


Awareness Creation and Knowledge Management:

  • To organize consultation workshopsand related meetings or events to improve knowledge and awareness on issues and measures for improving tenure security of target groups and influence policy and practice.
  • To ensure effectively working arrangements with government and other relevant land stakeholders and institutions.
  • Organize and/or support multi-stakeholder workshops, meetings and events


Programme Management and Coordination

  • To undertake over-all coordination of the project with relevant stakeholders.
  • To undertake progress monitoring and reporting, including preparation of financial reports.
  • To document emerging outcomes and lessons learned.


Risk Analysis

The following potential risks may occur so the suggested mitigation factors need to be considered. Constant monitoring is also essential.

Risk Assessment

Mitigating Factors

Covid-19 pandemic could worsen in Uganda, limiting movement and implementation of project activities

Covid-19 related information will be integrated where possible and useful in the awareness raising of the project at community level. The project also underscores the importance of secure land rights for strengthening communities’ resilience in mitigating the impacts of health crisis such as covid-19 pandemic.  

Reduced political will at national and local level (upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections in Mid-January 2021

Sensitization process and dialogues with new political leaders.

Inadequate interest and low participation of communities in slums in project activities

Continuously build the capacity of community leaders and resource persons to take lead in the process and ensure a community led process for purposes of ownership and sustainability

Unrealistic community expectations about project outcomes

Hold meetings to clarify project outcomes and manage community expectations.

Inadequate time and budget to produce tangible results.


Not start new but as much as possible build on existing data, will and partnerships. 


Eligibility Criteria


Submission Details/ Documents Required

Legal Status

  • Certificate of registration/incorporation i.e.,
  • Proof of registration in Country of Origin.
  • Proof of registration of Country of operation
  • Proof of country operational presence

Organization profile and details

  • Clear organization profile and structure of the organization indicating:
    • Organization’s vision, mission and objectives
    • Management structure
    • Members of the Governing Board and their Designations duly certified by the Corporate Secretary, or its equivalent document
    • Proof of membership to professional associations if any.

Financial Capacity

  • Audited company financial statements (balance sheet and income statement) and auditors report for the last two years

Exclusive bank account

  • Is the organization willing and able to have a separate bank account for the funds provided by UN-Habitat?

Integrity and Governance

  • The organization should complete and submit a signed Partner Declaration Form (Form to be provided upon request)
  • Provide the profiles of the Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Head of the Organization and Chief of Finance


Submission of Technical and Financial Proposal

A technical proposal should be submitted presenting a detailed discussion of land issues in the Philippines, existing policies and programmes, proposed methodology to address the issues, suggested project site, description and justifications, key milestones, outputs, activities and timelines for delivery (10 pages max). A template is available as a guide is available upon request.

A budget proposal should accompany the technical proposal which include the proposed budget per output/activity per different expense class or budget categories and estimated cash and/or in-kind contribution from implementing partners. A template is available as a guide upon request.


Selection Criteria


Submission Details/ Documents Required


1.   Technical capacity



1.1 Does the organization have the relevant experience and proven track record in implementing activities in the areas of the project?

Has it managed in the past projects of similar technical complexities and financial size?

Is the project linked with the core business of the IP?

  • List of projects executed in the last 2 years (value, location, donors, nature of projects, execution stage – completed or ongoing).
  • Demonstrate how the experiences in past projects are relevant in the execution of the current proposal
  • References from past donors (if available)


1.2 Does the organization have qualified technical staff with the experience and the technical skills required by the project?

What is the staff size, type, qualification and education background?

  • CVs of key management staff, technical and non-technical staff that will be involved on the project
  • How many technical staff do you have in the concerned Country for implementing the project? Is there reasonable assurance that such technical staff required by the project will continue to be available as needed in the Project? Will there be plans to recruit more technical staff? What would be the qualifications?


1.3 Does the organization have a clear and strong link with an identifiable constituency relevant to the targeted population of the project?

Does it have the ability to impact on the targeted population and on the issues?

Does it have strong presence in the field and for how long?

Does it have adequate capacity to work in key areas/regions where the proposed field activities will be implemented?

  • Demonstrate, describe and provide proof of local operational presence, including link and ability to impact the targeted population.
  • If applicable, name local partner organizations in the proposed project sites


1.4 Does the organization possess adequate physical facilities, office equipment, transport, etc. to implement the activities?

  • Provide location and list of office facilities, vehicles and office equipment locally available to implement the project.
  • If applicable, provide plans to secure additional office facilities, vehicles and office equipment


1.5 Does the organization have formal procedures to monitor project execution (e.g. milestones, outputs, expenditures…)

  • Provide formal project monitoring policies and procedures
  • Provide a description on how the IP will monitor and document project activities



2.   Financial and administrative capacity




2.1 Has the organization been in operation over a period of at least 2 years to demonstrate its financial sustainability and relevance?

  • State the years of operation
  • Financial statements for the last 2 years


2.2 Does the organization have qualified staff in Finance? Is the current accounting system computerized and does have the capacity to collect and provide separate financial reports on the activities executed under the Agreement of Cooperation?

Does it have systems and practices to monitor and report whether the project deliverables and expenditures are within agreed time and budget?

Does it have minimum segregation of duties in place (separation between project management, finance/accounting and executive office)


  • CVs of key finance and accounting staff
  • Description and key features and controls of the accounting system used
  • Organization structure/ Organogram


2.3 Does the organization have the capacity to procure goods and services on a transparent and competitive basis?

  • Copies of procurement policies and procedures. The procedures should show how you procure locally and internationally.
  • Describe how to procure goods and services on a transparent and competitive basis



2.4 Does the organization have formal procedures and controls to mitigate fraud such as multiple signature signatories on bank accounts, reporting and prosecution of incidences of fraud?

  • Describe anti-fraud controls and provide formal procedures


2.5 Does the organization have capacity to provide in-kind, financial, personnel contribution as UN-Habitat Implementing Partner in this present project? Please give details of contribution nature and size.

  • Describe nature and value of contribution (in-kind or cash)
  • Describe this in the budget proposal



3.   Financial Proposal




3.1 Is the budget for each component of the activity to be performed by the Implementing Partner

(i) cost-effective (i.e. the cost should be economical and prudently estimated to avoid any under/over estimation)

(ii) justifiable/well supported and

(iii) accurate and complete


Budget Proposal

  • BOQ (if applicable)
  • Other supporting documents



4.   Technical Proposal




4.1 The technical proposal is sound and responds adequately to the specifications and requirements?

Technical Proposal document



Cumulative score for ratios




Expression of Interest must be delivered in electronic format no later than  24 December 2020 to Danilo Antonio at the following email address: with a copy to All related questions or clarifications must also be coursed through this email address. Upon request to this email address, all related forms and templates will also be shared.

Disclaimer: Please note that this notice does not constitute a solicitation and UN‐Habitat reserves the right to change or cancel this project at any time in the process. Submitting a reply to an EOI does not guarantee that the submitting organization will be selected to carry out the implementation of the project.



  • Interested Organizations must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochure, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc).
  • The CFP and accompanying documents must be received in accordance with instructions provided. CFP submitted to a different email address other than the specified one will not be considered.
  • CFP from applicants failing to provide the complete information to fulfill the basic eligibility criteria will be considered non-responsive.
  • CFP received after the above deadline will not be considered
  • Organizations will be selected in accordance with the procedure set out in the UN-Habitat IP Management policy and Standard Operating Procedures.
  • CFP from applicants failing to provide the requested information will be disregarded.
  • This CFP does not entail any commitment on the part of UN-Habitat, either financial or otherwise. UN-Habitat reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Proposals without incurring any obligation to inform the affected applicant(s) of the grounds.
  • All prices must be in USD