The purpose of the Call for Expression of Interest is to solicit interest from existing or prospective Implementing Partners that wish to participate in UN-Habitat operation and contribute complementary resources (human resources, knowledge, funds, in-kind contributions, supplies and/or equipment) to achieving common objectives as outlined below and subsequently agreed in an Agreement of Cooperation
Purpose of CFP:
The Municipal Empowerment and Resilience Project (MERP), a joint initiative between the United Nations Human Settlement Programme (UN-Habitat) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is launching a call for the design and implementation of an online learning environment and a municipal E-Procurement portal.
Non-profit organizations (referred below as implementing partner) are invited to submit proposals which aim to achieve the following expected result:
- The design and implementation of an online education and learning management system which will integrate third-party products on public procurement.
- The design and implementation of an E-Procurement portal, through which municipalities/UoMs can:
- Manage their procurement process with full traceability and auditability of data.
- Publish procurement plans, announce tenders, publish tender documents and specifications, receive proposals from suppliers/contractors/service providers, publish clarifications, announce bid evaluation, and award decisions, manage complaints, and other procurement-related activities.
- Publish, in an fully accessible and readable format, all data related to the procurement, process, including but not limited to: request for proposals, terms of reference, financial and technical offers, complaints-related information, contract execution related information, progress update until contract termination, and others.
And, which from the supplier side, will allow to search/read procurement notices, download tender documents and templates to be used in preparing their proposals, participate in tenders and upload files, request clarifications, file and track complaints, and receive notifications.
The submitted proposals should contribute to the achievement of the following MERP outcome:
Sub-national authorities are empowered to facilitated local economic development and have better access to municipal investments that benefits the extension of safe public services and economic opportunities for host, refugee and Internally Displaced Populations (IDP).
Consortiums of non-profit organizations are welcome to apply.
Submission Deadline Date and time: 4 November 2020, midnight Beirut time
Proposals to be submitted in soft copy stamped and signed before deadline via email to
Project Key Information
- Project title: Municipal Empowerment and Resilience Project
- Locations
- Town/City: Federation of Coastal and Northern Metn Municipalities, Union of Municipalities of Tyre and Urban Community of Al-Fayhaa.
- Country: Lebanon
- Anticipated start date: 15th November 2020
- Estimated duration of project in calendar months: 12 months
- Maximum proposed value in US$:
- Lead Organization Unit:
Brief Background of the Project
The ‘Municipal Empowerment and Resilience Project’ (MERP) is a joint initiative by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Human Settlement Programme (UN-Habitat). The Project is implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities (MoIM) and is funded by the European Union (EU) through EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis, the ‘Madad Fund’.
The Project aims to strengthen the long-term resilience of subnational authorities in Lebanon as well as host communities, refugees and displaced persons affected by the Syrian Crisis. To achieve this, the Project engages in a three-pronged approach: MERP aims to 1. strengthen processes, procedures and practices to enable Union of Municipalities (UoMs) and municipalities to deliver effective and efficient services in a transparent and accountable manner; 2. empower UoMs and municipalities to facilitate local economic development and to deliver basic services that address the needs of both host and refugee populations, and; 3. support communities to engage in municipal processes and procedures to ensure that UoMs and municipalities are responsive to their needs.
The Project’s geographic areas of intervention are the UoM of Coastal and Middle Metn, the UoM of Al Fayhaa and the UoM of Tyre with around 119 potential partner municipalities (see table 1, below). These UoMs and municipalities were selected by UNDP and UN-Habitat based on their vulnerability and size of refugee populations[1] , historic UNDP and UN-Habitat geographical engagement (with focus on urban centers) and focus areas of other Madad funded projects, such as the Maintaining Strength and Resilience for Local Governments (MASAR) project supported by VNG International and its consortium partners.[2]
Table 1 MERP Geographical Focus Area
District |
# of Municipalities in the district |
Targeted UoM |
# of municipalities in the UoM |
Tripoli |
3 (Qalamoun, Mina and Tripoli) |
Urban Community Al Fayhaa |
3 (Qalamoun, Mina and Beddawi) |
Matn |
54 |
UoM of Coastal and Middle Metn |
33 |
Tyre |
62 |
UoM of Tyre |
55 |
Public procurement plays a crucial role in the implementation of basic services and local economic development interventions. An efficient and effective procurement system at municipal and UoM level:
- Contributes to the proper identification of local needs in terms of demand for goods, services and public works demand;
- Improves value for money of goods, services and public works delivered by ensuring fair competition among bidders;
- Allows for the selection of enterprises that are fit to purpose;
- Supports local economic development;[3]
- Could achieve savings of around US$ 500 million at sub-national level on a yearly basis[4], allowing for more fiscal space to finance additional public investments and enhance local service delivery, and;
- Enhances citizens’ trust in municipalities and UoMs.
Municipalities and UoMs are facing significant issues around public procurement, however.[5] This is correlated to the considerable capacity gaps observed among procurement practitioners. It is estimated that 48 per cent of civil servants lack knowledge in good procurement and financial management practices.[6] This is in part due to the absence of procurement as a stand-alone profession in Lebanon and to binding continuous capacity building of procurement practitioners. Municipalities and UoMs are also confronted by complex legal framework around procurement, including three main legal instruments such as (i) the public accounting law number 14969 of 1963; (ii) the legislative decree 118 of 1977 and the subsequent amendments, and; (iii) decree number 5595 “principles of accounting in the municipalities and union of municipalities” of 1982. A main drawback of public procurement in Lebanon is also the absence of nationally binding standardized bidding documents (SBDs). Combined, these shortcomings complicate procurement operations, increases costs, reduces competition and trust and limits the access of new economic operators to the market.[7]
To address these issues, in 2018 the Ministry of Finance committed to procurement reform.[8] As such, the Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan (IoF) has been mandated to[9]:
- Draft a new public procurement law;
- In collaboration with the World Bank and the Agence Française de Développement, conduct an evidence-based diagnostic of the public procurement system using the Methodology for Assessing Procurement Systems (MAPS);
- Update the standard bidding documents developed by the Ministry of Finance in 2013;
- Elaborate practical recommendations to advance public procurement reform, and;
- Follow-up with secondary legislation, guidelines, and training to ensure a sound entry-into-force of the law once approved.
The draft public procurement law, which is currently under review in Parliament by a special parliamentary committee, presents both opportunities and challenges to municipalities and UoMs. While the law will allow procurement to be aligned with international practices and thereby significantly improve the quality of goods, services and public works that municipalities and UoMs can provide to their communities, it will also be a challenge for municipalities and UoMs to apply the new legal framework. The reform also offers a unique opportunity to push for change and transform archaic structures that have been weighing down the administrative process. E-governance opportunities will be vital in efficient, transparent and scalable solutions.
In order to support the implementation of the draft law and to enhance procurement practices at municipal and UoM level, MERP aims to strengthen the public procurement capacity of municipalities and UoMs in target areas as well as secondary stakeholders, such as district commissioners, Directorate General of Local Administration and Councils (DGLAC) staff and small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) interested in submitting bids. The Project will do this by commissioning the IoF to design and deliver needs-based training and coaching activities and related deliverables such as a handbook for practitioners, learning tools etc. as well as key procurement tools such as standard bidding documents. To support the activities of the IoF, the Project will also contract an implementing partner to design and implement an online education and learning management system and E-Procurement portal, in support of the outputs delivered by the IoF.
Purpose of this assignment
In support of activities lead by the IoF, this assignment aims to create sustainable capacities of targeted municipalities and UoMs to perform public procurement functions through the design and implementation of an online education and learning management system and E-Procurement portal, integrating all relevant stakeholders on one platform.
Specific objectives of the assignment are:
- The design and implementation of an online education and learning management system which will integrate the IoF products on public procurement.
- The design and implementation of an E-Procurement portal, through which municipalities/UoMs can:
- Manage their procurement process with full traceability and auditability of data.
- Publish procurement plans, announce tenders, publish tender documents and specifications, receive proposals from suppliers/contractors/service providers, publish clarifications, announce bid evaluation, and award decisions, manage complaints, and other procurement-related activities.
- Publish, in an fully accessible and readable format, all data related to the procurement, process, including but not limited to: request for proposals, terms of reference, financial and technical offers, complaints-related information, contract execution related information, progress update until contract termination, and others.
And, which from the supplier/contractor/service provider side will allow to register on the platform, search/read procurement notices, download tender documents and templates to be used in preparing their proposals, participate in tenders and upload files, request clarifications, file and track complaints, and receive notifications.
Methodology/division of tasks
In this activity, the IoF will be responsible to design and deliver training to municipalities and UoMs in the three geographic areas targeted by MERP. This includes:
- Development of standardized training curricula and handbooks on the draft public procurement law;
- Implementation of a high-quality specialized training on public procurement, with focus on the draft public procurement law, to 1. target UoMs and municipalities, 2. DGLAC staff in charge of oversight on municipal expenditure cycle including the general comptrollers and district commissioners in charge of authenticating municipal transactions and 3. SMEs in the target areas, in order to equip these actors with the necessary set of knowledge and skills through well-structured curricula, using adult learning methodologies;
The implementing partner will need to design the online education and learning management system based on IoF needs and integrate the by the IoF developed learning tools on.
In addition, the IoF will be responsible for the development and testing public procurement instruments such as standards forms and templates that meet the requirements of the draft public procurement law and are user-friendly for municipalities and UoMs. The implementing partner will need to integrate these public procurement instruments in the E-Procurement portal.
The implementing partner will therefore need to coordinate closely with the IoF in each task and throughout the assignment as well as with a Steering Committee established for this activity, consisting of the DGLAC, IoF, MERP and MoIM stakeholders.
Objective of the Steering Committee is to ensure:
- Quality of approaches, methodology and deliverables
- Timely implementation and monitoring of activities
- Ownership and buy-in by the different stakeholders at national and local level
- National dissemination and uptake of developed tools; generated evidence and lessons-learned
- Effective external communication on the procurement training and related activities, and
- Overall sustainability of the training and related interventions.
Main activities and outputs
The implementing partner will be undertaking main activities as follows (but not limited to):
Task 1: Develop a Work Plan
In the inception phase, the implementing partner will engage in discussions with to the IoF and the Steering Committee to ascertain the expectations for both the online education and learning management system and the E-Procurement portal (in terms of design, functionality, outcomes, etc.) and to develop a work-plan that is aligned with the work-plan of the public procurement reform progress. The implementing partner will incorporate agreements on the online education and learning management system and the E-Procurement portal (including agreements regarding the ownership and housing of operational servers, for instance) and the work-plan in a brief inception report which is to be reviewed by the Steering Committee and approved by MERP and the IoF.
Task 2. Design and implementation of an online education and learning management system
In close coordination with the IoF, task 2 includes the design, testing and roll-out of an online education and learning management system with interactive features, quizzes, grading system, learning path management, and data analysis capability, as is required by the IoF. This also includes the development of operational servers with disaster recovery and backup systems as well as training on system administration and usage to the IoF, DGLAC and/or MoIM as appropriate. As part of this task, the implementing partner should also provide ongoing technical support during the roll-out of the procurement training which can be accessed by the IoF as well as training participants.
Task 3: Design and implementation of an E-Procurement portal
In close coordination with the IoF and the Steering Committee, task 3 includes the design, testing and roll-out of a front-end interface for users to enter or upload data regarding tenders, review and approve, and pursue the entire procurement workflow with notification and SMS potential to relevant parties. This includes:
- Back end to configure users, roles, lookups, workflow, backups, and other administrative features.
- Interactive dashboards to view and analyze output.
- User manual for all levels of users and system administration.
- Technical design manual, and training of developers to be able to maintain the system.
- Process documentation for call center, support and technical assistance, analysis and monitoring.
This also includes the development of operational servers with disaster recovery and backup systems as well as training on system administration and usage. The implementing partner should ensure total interoperability and connectivity between the online education and learning management system and the E-Procurement portal. This means that users can jump from one to the other seamlessly, and data exchange between the two systems will be implemented through webservices and APIs. The implementing partner also provide training to users and provide technical support in solving problems during the roll-out of the portal.
Timeline and deliverables
Duration of assignment: 12 months
Anticipated start date: November 2020 End-date: November 2021
Task |
Deliverable |
Deliverable date* |
Payment |
Task 1: Inception |
Inception report with detailed work-plan and methodology |
End November 2020 |
20% |
Task 2: Design, testing and implementation of an online education and learning management system |
E-Learning portal |
End of June 2020 |
40% |
Task 3: Design, testing and implementation of a municipal E-Procurement portal
E-Procurement portal
End of November 2021 |
40% |
Risk Analysis
(State the risks associated with this project and the mitigation factors)
Risks |
Risk Mitigation Measures |
Alignment issues between the IoF and implementing partner |
To avoid alignment issues, it will be important for close coordination between the implementing partner, the IoF and the Steering Committee and to set and agree upon expectations early on in the assignment. Therefore, the implementing partner is expected to conduct ongoing discussions with the IoF and the Steering Committee and to note agreements, including around the design of the portals, milestones as well as the time-frame for implementation of the portals, in the inception report which is to be reviewed by the Steering Committee and approved by both MERP and the IoF. |
Risks to Sustainability |
In order to ensure that the E-Learning platform and E-Procurement platform are sustainable and will continue to be used, the design of both should be compatible/aligned with E-Governance in use by Lebanese government, and transfer of knowledge shall be ensured. The implementing partner will need to specify this in the proposal. Furthermore, other aspects affecting sustainability, such as agreements around server housing and ownership of servers, should be reflected in the inception report. |
Security risks |
In order to ensure data privacy and security of the system, the implementing partner will need to specify in its proposal how this will be guaranteed. |
COVID-19 |
The implementing partner to also implement all activities in line with UN covid-19 safety requirements and to budget adequately for that. |
Eligibility Criteria
- Required Documents Table
Criteria |
Submission Details/ Documents Required |
Legal Status |
Organization profile and details |
Financial Capacity |
Exclusive bank account |
Integrity and Governance |
Selection Criteria Table
Criteria |
Submission Details/ Documents Required |
Grading (Over 100) |
Weighted Grade |
Weights |
1. Capacity of the Institution (1A+1B+1C) |
- |
40% |
1A. Core Technical and Operational Capacity of the Institution (1A.1+1A.2+1A.3+1A.4+1A.5) |
- |
15% |
1A.1 Does the IP have the relevant experience and proven track record in implementing activities in the areas of the assignment: i. E-Governance, ii. Development and implementation of online portals and learning environments, particularly for government stakeholders? |
· List of projects executed in the areas of the assignment: value, location, donors, nature of projects, execution stage – completed or ongoing. |
- |
5% |
Has the Institution implemented in the past assignments of similar technical complexities and financial size? |
· Demonstrate how the experiences in the projects are relevant in the execution of the current proposal. |
- |
2.5% |
Has the performance of the Institution in the fields of the assignment: i. E-Governance, ii. Development and Implementation of online portals and learning environments have been deemed satisfactory by the previous partners of the Institution? |
· At least 3 References from past partners such as donors, government agencies, academic institutions, foundations and CSOs. |
- |
2.5% |
1A.2 Does the Institution possess adequate physical facilities, office equipment, resources, etc. to coordinate the implementation of the activities? |
· Provide office location and list of office facilities, equipment and resources available to support the implementation of the project. |
- |
2.5% |
1A.3 Does the Institution have formal procedures to monitor project execution (e.g. milestones, outputs, expenditures…) |
· Explain what the formal project monitoring policies and procedures are followed by the Institution in project implementation. |
- |
2.5% |
1B. Technical Capacity of Team Proposed by the Institution (1B.1+1B.2) |
- |
15% |
1.B1 Relevant Educational Background of Proposed Team Members. |
Provide detailed CVs of Proposed Technical and Research Team Members. |
- |
- |
5% |
1.B2 Relevant Work Experience of Proposed Team Members. |
· Provide detailed CVs of Proposed Technical and Research Team Members. |
- |
- |
10% |
1C. Financial and Administrative Capacity of the Institution (1C.1+1C.2+1C.3+1C.4+1C.5) |
- |
10% |
1.C1 Has the Institution been in operation over a period of at least 2 years to demonstrate its financial sustainability and relevance? |
· State the number of years the Institution has been in operation. |
- |
1% |
· Financial statements for the last 2 years. |
- |
1% |
1C.2 Does the Institution have qualified staff in Finance? Is the current accounting system computerized and does have the capacity to collect and provide separate financial reports on the activities executed under the Agreement of Cooperation? |
· CVs of key finance and accounting staff. |
- |
1% |
Does the Institution have systems and practices to monitor and report whether the project deliverables and expenditures are within agreed time and budget? |
· Description and key features and controls of the accounting system used. |
- |
1% |
Does the Institution have minimum segregation of duties in place (separation between project management, finance/accounting and executive office). |
· Organization structure/ Organogram. |
- |
1% |
1C.3 Does the Institution have the capacity to procure goods and services on a transparent and competitive basis? (if applicable) check for procurement unit with experienced staff. |
· Copies of procurement policies and procedures. The procedures should show how you procure locally and internationally. |
- |
2% |
1C.4 Does the Institution have formal procedures and controls to mitigate fraud such as multiple signature signatories on bank accounts, reporting and prosecution of incidences of fraud? |
· Describe anti-fraud controls and provide formal procedures. |
- |
2% |
1C.5 Does the Institution have capacity to provide in-kind, personnel or co-funding contribution as UN-Habitat Implementing Partner in this present project? Please give details of contribution nature and size. |
· Describe nature and monetized value of contribution (in-kind, personnel or cash) |
- |
1% |
2. Technical Proposal: Proposed Methodology and Approach (2A+2B+2C) |
- |
40% |
2.A Comprehensiveness of the Technical Proposal vis a vis the TOR Requirements (2A1+2A.2+2A.3) |
- |
15% |
2A.1 Does the proposal detail how the Institution will ensure effective coordination with the IoF and the Steering Committee? |
Grading to be made based on Technical Proposal Submitted |
- |
5% |
2A.2 Does the proposal detail the methodology for E-Learning component? |
Grading to be made based on Technical Proposal Submitted |
- |
5% |
2A.3 Does the proposal detail the methodology for E-Procurement component? |
Grading to be made based on Technical Proposal Submitted |
- |
5% |
2.B Sustainability and Risk Management |
- |
20% |
2B.1 Does the proposal address sustainability issues and detail how existing government owned platforms are utilized? |
Grading to be made based on Technical Proposal Submitted |
- |
10% |
2B.2 Does the proposal address disaster recovery and include backup? |
Grading to be made based on Technical Proposal Submitted |
- |
4% |
2B.3 Does the proposal ensure total interoperability and connectivity between E-Procurement portal and the E-Learning management system so that users can jump from one to the other seamlessly, and data exchange between the two systems will be implemented through webservices and APIs? |
Grading to be made based on Technical Proposal Submitted |
- |
2% |
2B.4 Does the proposal address security risks, including ensure data privacy and security of the system? |
Grading to be made based on Technical Proposal Submitted |
- |
4% |
2.C Overall Approach Assessment |
- |
5% |
2C.1 Are the proposal and its methodology in their entirety consistent with the Assignment Purpose and Specific Objectives? |
Grading to be made based on Technical Proposal Submitted |
- |
5% |
Cumulative Technical (1+2) To reach a minimum of 56/80 to qualify for Financial Assessment |
- |
80% |
3. Financial Proposal Assessment |
- |
20% |
3.1 Is the overall budget proposed realistic and does it capture accurately and completely the requirements of the TOR? |
Budget Proposal and supporting document <provide link> |
- |
4% |
3.2 Is the overall budget proposed consistent with the required timeline and does it allow to meet the deadlines of the project? |
Budget Proposal and supporting document <provide link> |
- |
4% |
3.3 Is the overall budget proposed well explained and justified including through the provision of additional supporting document? |
Budget Proposal and supporting document <provide link> |
- |
4% |
3.4 Are the budgets proposed for each tasks cost-effective i.e. do they provide good value for money? |
Budget Proposal and supporting document <provide link> |
- |
4% |
3.5 Are the budgets prepared for each tasks in a prudent way and do they anticipate inflationary risks given the current fluctuations in the exchange rate? |
Budget Proposal and supporting document <provide link> |
- |
4% |
Cumulative Score (1+2+3) to reach a minimum of 70/100 for consideration. |
- |
100% |
- Qualifications
Profile of requested staff.
The contractor will include in its offer a proposal regarding the team composition and structure with recent CVs. The following profiles are requested:
- Project manager (1x)
- Senior Developer and System Integration Engineer (1x)
- E-Learning specialist (1x)
- E-Procurement specialist (1x)
- UI/UX designer (1x)
- Junior Developers (3x)
- Support/training team (3x)
Project manager:
- Advanced degree in Computer Science, Information Technology or equivalent qualification, or related field.
- At least ten years of relevant experience in implementation and management of public sector reform, E-Governance, and/or digital transformation projects at national and/or sub-national levels using strategic, evidence-based, and innovative approaches.
- Proven experience with Lebanese public sector is required.
- Business intelligence experience is desirable.
- Proven experience in project management and proficiency in project management tools is required.
- Fluent in Arabic and English (French is an asset).
Senior Developer and System Integration Engineer:
- A Bsc degree in Computer Science, Information Technology or equivalent qualification
- At least five years of experience with web-based software design (IIS, SQL Server, T-SQL, Classic ASPorASP.Net C#, etc.) and web-related technologies (HTML, XML, CSS, Java Script, JQuery, JSON, Ajax etc.)
- Experience with database management and security
- Demonstrated experience working with the public sector projects in Lebanon is desirable.
- Fluency in Arabic and English (French is an asset).
E-Procurement Expert
- Master’s degree in, Software Engineering, computer science, Business Management, Procurement or equivalent
- Seven years of professional experience in procurement, software project management related to procurement functions or any other relevant field.
- Demonstrable experience in the conceptualization and implementation of an E-Procurement system in the public sector and how to handle issues around security, privacy, authentication, confidentiality, and data integrity.
- Sound knowledge of relevant ICT applications for Procurement
- Fluent in Arabic and English (French is an asset).
E-learning specialist
- Master’s degree in, Software Engineering, computer science, Business Management, Procurement or equivalent
- At least five years of experience in developing interactive eLearning with rapid eLearning authoring tools, using custom web development skills as needed (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
- Experience in programming complex branching scenarios, interactions, and gamified courses as well as editing of photos, vectors, and videos as needed
- Sound knowledge of visual design principles, multimedia learning principles, and user experience design best practices
- Fluent in Arabic and English (French is an asset).
UI/UX designer
- BSc in Design, Computer Science, Information Technology or equivalent qualification
- At least five years of professional experience as a UI/UX Designer with a portfolio of design projects.
- Proven knowledge of wireframe tools (e.g. and InVision) and design software like Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop
- Demonstrated experience working with the public sector projects in Lebanon is desirable.
- Fluent in Arabic and English (French is an asset).
Junior Developers
- A BSc in Computer Science, Information Technology or equivalent qualification
- Familiarity with web-based software design (IIS, SQL Server, T-SQL, Classic ASPorASP.Net C#, etc.)
- Knowledge of web-related technologies (HTML, XML, CSS, Java Script, JQuery, JSON, Ajax etc.)
- Experience with database management and security a plus
- Demonstrated experience working with the public sector projects in Lebanon is desirable.
- Fluent in Arabic and English (French is an asset).
Support/training team
- A BSC in Computer Science, Information Technology or equivalent qualification
- A minimum of 3 years of professional experience with a proven professional record in providing training and technical support in the roll-out of e-solutions/applications.
- Demonstrated experience working with the public sector projects in Lebanon is desirable.
- Fluent in Arabic and English (French is an asset).
- Interested Organizations must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochure, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc).
- The CFP and accompanying documents must be received in accordance with instructions provided. CFP submitted to a different email address other than the specified one will not be considered.
- CFP from applicants failing to provide the complete information to fulfill the basic eligibility criteria will be considered non-responsive.
- CFP received after the above deadline will not be considered
- Organizations will be selected in accordance with the procedure set out in the UN-Habitat IP Management policy and Standard Operating Procedures.
- CFP from applicants failing to provide the requested information will be disregarded.
- This CFP does not entail any commitment on the part of UN-Habitat, either financial or otherwise. UN-Habitat reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Proposals without incurring any obligation to inform the affected applicant(s) of the grounds.
- All prices must be in USD
[1] See… See
[3] For an overview of the question in Lebanon, please refer to Municipal Procurement: An Opportunity for Local Enterprise Development by Elie Maalouf in Assadissa (Edition 2, December 2015), Institute of Finance.
[4] Idem.
[5] On the Challenges of Municipal Procurement and practices in the Lebanese context, please refer to: Elie Maalouf: Municipal Procurement: Opportunities for the Growth of Local Enterprises, Assadissa, Edition 2, 2015, Institute of Finance (in Arabic).
[6] Public Governance in Lebanon: Public Procurement Reform Presentation, Institute of Finance, 2019.
[7]Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan, Reforming Public Procurement in Lebanon, 2019
[8] Reforming Public Procurement in Lebanon, Briefing Note, February 2020, Ministry of Finance.
[9] Ministerial decision 109/1, dated March 4th, 2019, and Ministerial decision 199/1, dated June 9, 2020.