  1. Introduction

The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) is the United Nations agency for human settlements and sustainable urban development. In line with the New Urban Agenda, among other things, UN-Habitat seeks to assist cities in improving access and mobility through improvements in public transport and in facilities for walking and cycling (Sustainable Urban Mobility). It does so by facilitating policy dialogue, through sharing good examples and by providing technical assistance for the development and implementation of field projects that demonstrate the principles of “Sustainable Mobility”. Emerging technologies are increasingly influencing how people travel in cities and how goods are moved from place to place. UN-Habitat also seeks to work in this area with a view to achieving improved accessibility for all, particularly the poor and vulnerable.  

With support from the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), UN-Habitat in collaboration with Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy and UN Environment are implementing the “URBAN PATHWAYS – Supporting Low Carbon Plans for Urban Basic Services in the context of the New Urban Agenda”. The project aims action to deliver on the combined aims and ambitions of the UN’s New Urban Agenda, Sustainable Development Goals, and the Paris agreement – making a direct contribution by focusing on implementation programmes in the area of energy, waste management, and transportation. More information on the project can be seen at :

This programme also links closely to SOLUTIONSplus, an EU-funded flagship project. The project aims at delivering on the objective of the Urban Electric Mobility Initiative (UEMI, launched by UN-Habitat) and aims to boost sustainable electrification of transport in large urban areas in developing countries and emerging economies. SOLUTIONSplus seeks to also establish a global platform for shared, public and commercial e-mobility solutions to kick start the transition towards low-carbon urban mobility.

The collaboration will entail:

  • Facilitate the joint development of an online programme that provides an introduction to low-carbon urban mobility and urban electric mobility living labs and has a significant reach to potential participants,
  • Contribute to teaching cooperation with academic institutions in Africa, Latin America and Asia.
  • Produce a course syllabus, module outlines and teaching material.
  • Review of existing modules and training materials.

The EOI should contain, but not be limited to the following:

  • A concept note including background information and approach that will be applied to develop and implement the project.
  • Experience of the organization in the areas of online learning as well as on energy and transportation issues and to include a portfolio of projects undertaken in similar areas.
  • The support/ contribution the organization is willing to make including, cash and in kind; (contribution in terms of scholarships for student researchers staff time, office space and equipment and other support in cash and in-kind should be expressed in monetary terms)
  • Governance and organizational structure; experience and qualifications of key professional staff and infrastructure facilities of the organization.
  • Certified true copy of original Audited Account Statement for the last two years; and
  • Latest annual report.
  1. UN-Habitat Contribution

Upon selection UN-Habitat will enter into an Agreement of Cooperation with the selected entity. UN-Habitat will contribute financial resources to the tune of about US$100,000 towards this Agreement of Cooperation. 

  1. Overall Timeframe

The work outlined in this EOI is scheduled to commence in October 2020 and completed by to 30 September 2021.

  1. Submission Requirements and Guidelines

Expression of Interest must be delivered in electronic format no later than 21-September-2020 to  copying

  1. Contact Information

Kennedy Kamau

United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)

P.O. Box 30030, Nairobi, Kenya

Tel: 254-20-7625064

  1. Other

Please note that this EOI notice does not constitute a solicitation. UN-Habitat reserves the right to change or cancel this requirement at any time in the Expressions of Interest/or solicitation process.

Submitting a reply to an EOI does not guarantee that a Cooperation Partner will be considered for receipt of the solicitation when issued and only Cooperation Partners who are deemed qualified by UN-Habitat upon completion of evaluation of submission, will receive the final solicitation document.