- Introduction
UN-Habitat, UNEP and the Wuppertal Institute of Climate Energy and Environment are collaborating under a project supported by the German International Climate Initiative: Urban Pathways : Low Carbon Basic Services in the context of the New Urban Agenda” (https://www.urban-pathways.org/). Targeting the pilot countries of Brazil, India, Kenya and Vietnam, the project aims to develop bankable project concepts that that improve access to urban basic services such as transport, energy and waste management through low carbon pathways and thus support the implementation of the Paris Accord.
Considering that air pollution currently presents a major environmental health risk responsible already for 7 million pre-mature deaths across the world and its close association with climate change, the Urban Pathways project partners are looking to assist cities by supporting the development of a “ Decision Support System” (DSS) for city managers that will allow, city officials to forecast the outcomes of proposed measures in a particular city, based on city-wide and real-time assessment of air quality in the city.
Current information on Air Quality is available for example from the platform: https://www.airvisual.com/unep . This was launched at the 10th World Urban Forum held in Abu Dhabi from 8-13 February 2020 by UNEP, UN-Habitat and IQ Air, an Air Technology Company. The platform currently brings together real-time data from over 4000 contributors including citizens, communities, public authorities and the private sector.
The proposed DSS should be modeled on the basis of a city’s particular characteristics including for example its demographic and meteorological characteristics, land-use patterns, business and industry patterns, transport and traffic management, waste management and energy sources. The DSS should enable city officials simulate and assess the impact of a particular decision e.g. introduction of a Public Transport system, a combination of various traffic management measures, changes in functional land-use, mix of energy sources, energy demand management measures and so on. The overall aim of the DSS is to maximise the impact of city investments in terms of better Air Quality and reduction of emissions. This will enable cities to select the right investments that reduce air pollution and improve people’s health while also contributing to the NDC’s of respective countries under the Paris Accord.
UN-Habitat is seeking expressions of interest (EOIs) from interested implementing partners, who may be not for profit organisations, government or public institutions, universities and research institutions.
The EOI should contain, but not be limited to the following:
- Overall background of the institution particularly AQ assessment and modelling, scenario modelling;
- Overall methodology of the project; work plan and time schedule including dependencies and data requirements and assumptions on roles and responsibilities
- The support/ contribution the organization is willing to make including, cash and in kind;
- Governance and organizational structure; experience and qualifications of key professional staff and infrastructure facilities of the organization;
- Certified true copy of original Audited Account Statement for the last two years; and latest annual report.
Implementing partners who can demonstrate the support of a partner city in developing and testing the proposed DSS will be given preference.
UN-Habitat Contribution
Upon selection UN-Habitat will enter into an Agreement of Cooperation with the selected entity. UN-Habitat will contribute financial resources to the tune of about $25,000 towards this Agreement of Cooperation.
- Submission Requirements and Guidelines
Expression of Interest must be delivered in electronic format no later than 24 April, 2020 to kennedy.kamau@un.org copying elizabeth.makeba@un.org
- Contact Information
Debashish Bhattacharjee
Lead, Urban Mobility
Urban Basic Services Branch
United Nations Human Settlements Programme
P.O. Box 30030, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: 254-20-7625288; 7623668
- Other
Please note that this EOI notice does not constitute a solicitation. UN-Habitat reserves the right to change or cancel this requirement at any time in the Expressions of Interest/or solicitation process.
Submitting a reply to an EOI does not guarantee that a Cooperation Partner will be considered for receipt of the solicitation when issued and only Cooperation Partners who are deemed qualified by UN-Habitat upon completion of evaluation of submission, will receive the final solicitation document.