Time of the meeting
Meeting venue
UN-Habitat Boardroom
Provisional Agenda - Revision 1


1. Adoption of the Agenda

2. Organisation of work and work plan for the Executive Board and its Bureau meetings for 2019 – 2020:

(a) Cycle and frequency of meetings and proposed dates, (b) Regular and annual meetings,

(c) Dates of receipt of documentation,

(d) Joint Bureaux meetings,

(e) Form of expression of Executive Board’s formal outcome, ie. resolution /decision

(f) Participation of partners and stakeholders in the Executive Board meetings

3. Regular agenda items for consideration of the Executive Board :

(a)  Annual work programme and budget,(b)  Annual report on the implementation of the strategic plan,

(c)  Financial, budgetary and administrative matters :

-  Financial situation of UN-Habitat,

-  Use of resources and resource mobilization strategy,

-  On-going restructuring of UN-Habitat

(d)  Implementation of the resolutions and other decisions adopted by the UN- Habitat Assembly including overview of resolutions adopted during the first session of the UN-Habitat Assembly and resolutions to be reported to the first resumed session of the Executive Board.

(e)  Briefing on the implementation of the normative and operational activities of UN-Habitat

4. Actions on decisions emanating from the first meeting of the Executive Board :

(a) Date of receipt of the Strategic Plan report for 2019

(b) Date of receipt of the Strategic Plan final report for the period 2014-2019 (c) Preliminary activities towards the UN-Habitat Strategic Plan 2020-2023:

-  Results framework,

-  Impact communication strategy,

-  Partnerships strategy,

-  Typology on human settlements demands

(d) Consideration of the UN-Habitat work programme and budget for the year 2020

(e) Proposal on the establishment of an ad hoc working group to continue discussions on the development of a UN-Habitat stakeholder engagement policy

5. Briefing on Ukraine with respect to the election of the Eastern European Group to the Executive Board and on the Lima Group statement during the Plenary and response from Venezuela

6. Proposed provisional agenda for the first resumed session of the Executive Board to be held from 18 to 20 November 2019

7. Other matters