La Paz, Bolivia, 12 March 2022 – UN-Habitat, with the support of local entities in Bolivia, developed a cycle of training sessions at the national level, with the purpose of enhancing the urban approach in the territorial development plans of the municipalities of this country.
“Approximately 500 municipal authorities and technical staff from predominantly urban municipalities in the country's nine departments participated in these face-to-face and virtual meetings. In these spaces, the Guide for the Inclusion of the Urban Approach in the PTDI 2021-2025 was presented,” explained the Coordinator of UN-Habitat´s Program in Bolivia, Sergio Blanco.
This training was successful and feasible thanks to the collaboration with the Vice-Ministry of Housing and Urbanism of the Ministry of Public Works, Services and Housing, the Association of Municipalities of Bolivia, the Federation of Municipal Associations of Bolivia and the departmental associations of municipalities.
About technical publication
The Guide is structured in three chapters: Introduction, Recommendations for the inclusion of the urban approach in the minimum content of the Comprehensive Territorial Development Plans (PTDI) for the period 2021-2025, and Annexes; This document is freely accessible and can be downloaded from the following link: bit.ly/3gPzE1G.
“We wanted to provide recommendations and examples of maps and indicators that facilitate the approach of the urban approach in the planning instruments identified and regulated by the Law of the System of Comprehensive Planning of the State (SPIE) of Bolivia, particularly in the PTDI, promoting a planning evidence-based,” Blanco said.
In the Introduction, the reinforcement of the spatial approach of the planning instruments in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic is proposed. The second section develops a series of recommendations, within the framework of the minimum content of a PTDI, indicated in the methodological guidelines issued by the country's Ministry of Planning for Development.
The last section shows the relationship between the objectives of the national urban policy, called the National Policy for the Comprehensive Development of Cities (PNDIC), with the Sustainable Development Goals and the Economic and Social Development Plan of this South American country. In addition, a competency analysis, a toolbox and guidelines for the implementation of comprehensive urban interventions are presented.
Likewise, informative capsules were prepared and can be found on the UN-Habitat Bolivia channel: https://www.youtube.com/onuhabitatbolivia
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