Support to the Coordination of Early Recovery Shelter Interventions (Shelter Cluster Lead)
- Donor: DFID
- Location: Myanmar (Nargis affected area in Yangon & Ayeyarwaddy Division)
- Duration: Aug 2008 – June 2009
The objective of the Support to the Coordination of Early Recovery Shelter Interventions-Shelter Cluster Lead Programme was to maximize the impact of shelter assistance and resources to meet the shelter needs of the most vulnerable populations affected by the Cyclone Nargis.
Cyclone Nargis struck the southern delta region of Myanmar on the 2nd and 3rd May 2008 and by the time the cyclone subsided, more than 750,000 homes were damaged and destroyed. Nargis severely affected 2.4 million people, almost half of the total 4.7 million people living in the affected townships. An estimated 138,000 people were killed.
An international aid response quickly followed and after brief initial resistance from the government, aid soon began to flow into Myanmar and UN-Habitat came forward to lead the Shelter Cluster, providing:
- shelter coordination support
- data base on shelter needs gaps
- maps database
- shelter technical materials developed
- emergency & early recovery shelter data collection and analysis
- strengthening of hubs coordination mechanism
- skills upgrade and knowledge transfer
Community-based Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
- Donor: DFID and UNDP
- Location: Pyapon, Bogale and Dedaye Townships of Ayeyarwaddy Devision
- Duration: Jan 2009 – May 2010
The Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction in the Cyclone Nargis affected areas of Myanmar was a joint project of UNDP and UN-Habitat, also builds on UN-Habitat role in the on-going post-Nargis response. UN-Habitat has strongly advocated the notion of “building back better” and understands the challenges associated with making this notion a reality in the Delta region. UN-Habitat, as Shelter Cluster Coordinator has worked, at a macro level, on standards and guidelines.
The overall objective of the project was to enhance basic disaster preparedness of the cyclone-affected communities and integrate disaster risk reduction efforts in some of the key sectors of recovery. Towards this objective, the project delivered three related outputs:
- Output 1: Community-based disaster preparedness (main responsibility UNDP)
- Output 2: Capacity development for integrating disaster risk reduction in the rebuilding of human settlements (Main responsibility UN-Habitat)
- Output 3: Awareness generation, Knowledge Networking and Partnerships (shared responsibility UNDP – UN-Habitat)
Capacity development for integrating disaster risk reduction in the rebuilding of human settlements included the training of community facilitators and artisans on disaster risk reduction in the context of reconstruction and recovery, including on issues of rebuilding human settlements in a safe and dignified manner through community-centered means.
Conduct demonstrations of safe rebuilding in 100 villages by means of the community selected limited number of houses of most venerable people and employing artisan for improvements.
Awareness generation, Knowledge Networking and Partnerships included public education and awareness generation campaigns. This included development of community focused manuals, guidelines, IEC materials focusing on training-of-trainers, humanitarian organizations and local stakeholders.
Community Water Supply and Sanitation Recovery Project (CWSSRP)
- Donor: Govt. of Japan (ODA - Japan)
- Location: Pyapon, Bogale, Dedaye, Kyaiklat Townships of Ayeyarwaddy Division Kungyangon Township of Yangon Division
- Duration: Jan 2009 – May 2010
The goal of the Community Water Supply and Sanitation Recovery Projec (CWSSRP) was to improve the health of families in the Ayeyarwady Division and Yangon Division by providing access to safe water and sanitation infrastructure, while raising awareness of hygiene and health related issues. A guiding principal was to Build Back Better and not to simply return people to Pre-Nargis standards.
The project aim was to ensure that access to water, sanitation and awareness of health and hygiene related issues are all enhanced as a result of this project. The project objectives were as follow:
- To improve water supply and sanitation situation for 263 villages spread across 5 project townships in Nargis affected areas
- To empower communities, including women, to take control of WASH recovery activities through the Peoples’ Process, thus ensuring community ownership and sustainability
- To raise awareness and change behaviours and attitudes on health and hygiene in the community, especially among children
- To collaborate with other agencies and donors for maximum impact
The primary beneficiaries of this project were over 190,000 people in 263 villages; the In addition more than 100 village schools, over 13,000 children, were benefited from hygiene awareness activities. Villagers – men and women – and local artisans were also benefited from training, capacity building, knowledge and skills gained from the implementation of this project.
During project implementation, coordination and collaboration continued not only with UNICEF and UNDP but with the Recovery Coordination Center (RCC) and its Recovery Hub Offices (RHOs), WASH Working Group and Basic Services Working Group.
Shelter Improvement and Disaster Risk Reduction Project
- Donor: Rotary 3450
- Location: Pyapon Township of Ayeyarwaddy Division
- Duration: June 2009 – Dec 2009
The Shelter Improvement and Disaster Risk Reduction Project objective was to enable vulnerable households to bring about critical improvements to damaged houses and to increase knowledge of Disaster Risk Reduction at the community level. Given the large numbers of people in need and the nature of the risk, the Shelter Improvement and Disaster Risk Reduction Project funded by Rotary International 3045 focused on providing:
- Construction materials to ensure adequate coverage and protection from the elements (rain, wind and sun)
- Training and capacity building for the Shelter Construction Committee in beneficiary selection, community contracting oversight, proposal writing, cash management, handling complaints and DRR construction techniques
- Technical support to identify critical gaps in construction and introduce disaster risk reduction techniques
The project strategy was to integrate the project activities in ongoing UN-HABITAT activities in the Delta region, enabling intensive work in 10 villages in Pyapon Township (Ah Paung, Ah Pyaung Taman, San Pya, Kan Chaung, Ah Kyi Kayin Su, Pale Ywar Thit, Ah Kyi Wa and Kyone Ku).
The primary beneficiaries of this project were 80 families in 10 villages (400 people). 20 carpenters were trained and received tool kits after training. Villagers – men and women - benefited from capacity building, knowledge and skills on Disaster Risk Reduction gained from the implementation of this project.
Semi-permanent Schools and Multi-purpose Schools in Ayeyarwaddy Delta in Myanmar
- Donor: Japan Habitat Association, BASF Social Fund
- Location: Pyapon, Bogale and Dedaye Townships (Ayeyarwaddy Division)
- Duration: March 2009 – March 2010 / July 2008 – Sept 2008
The “Semi-permanent Schools in Ayeyarwaddy Delta in Myanmar” project objective was to immediately provide opportunities for education and restore community services through provision of environmentally friendly transitional buildings designed by UN-HABITAT.
Five pre-fabricated, multi-purpose buildings procured, delivered and assembled through partner agencies to be used as schools and community centers as temporary measures. Primary Beneficiaries: The primary beneficiaries of this project were the children of 27 villages.
This project directly served 6,061 children and 24 teachers in Pyapon, Bogale and Dedaye Townships. Villagers – men and women - benefited from capacity building, knowledge and skills gained from the implementation of this project. Secondary Beneficiaries: At township level, the Department of Basic Education benefited from the survey process and the technical backstopping of the project team and the School Construction Committee.
At village level, the Teacher Parent Association (TPA) and Village Peace and Development Committee (VPDC) received direct support in terms of capacity building.
Disaster Response & Preparedness – Resilient Coastal Communities and Urban Risk (DRP-CURB) – Phase I, II, & III
- Donor: Government of Norway
- Location: 26 townships in Magway, Mandalay, Ayeyarwaddy and Rekhine Divisions
- Duration: 2010 – 2014 (ongoing)
The overall aim of the post-disaster project is to enhance human safety and security, including that of community and urban assets, by raising the awareness of urban and coastal communities of mitigation measures in areas prone to earthquakes, fires, cyclones, storm surges, and flooding.
Building on the successes of UN-HABITAT’s interventions in the DRR sector and programs, the DRP-CURB Project is support of the coastal and urban communities in Myanmar is designed to introduce a culture of prevention and preparedness through a comprehensive triple-action approach. Over the past three years, the programme has supported range of strategic interventions with cross cutting issues such as Gender, DRR, Environment and local actions at community level.
- Strengthening its strategic partnership with Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Social Welfare Relief and Resettlement, Ministry of Border Affairs and Ministry of Environment Conservation and Forestry.
- Support strengthening legal, policy and institutional framework for Urban, DRR, Post disaster recovery and Environment Sector.
- Various assessment technical guidelines for sustainable recovery such as Shelter Sector Recovery-Cyclone Nargis, Giri and Tarlay Earthquakes,
- Support establishment of Urban Research and Development Institute (URDI), a think tank for the Ministry of Construction (MoC) in the areas of urbanization, urban development, housing and disaster risk reduction providing policy advice, capacity development and urban research.
- Support formulation of Provisional Myanmar National Building Code-2012(MNBC) and development of various technical guidelines on safer construction practices.
- Training on Safer Construction Practices and demonstration of disaster resilient construction technologies.
- Support formulation of key environment policies/ reports such as State of Environment Report, Inle Lake Restoration Plan.
- Provide technical assistance for long term capacity building by supporting establishment of URDI, National Disaster Management Training Centre.
- Support local government in developing disaster management and local action plans and local communities in implementing mitigation activities through its people’s process approach. DRP-CURB, provides key strategic support at National Level on Urban, DRR, Post Disaster Recovery, Environment and Climate Change while also targeted interventions along the entire coastal States and Region of Myanmar from Rakhine to Tanintharyi Region, hazard prone rural and urban settlements in Myanmar. In addition, the programme also supports any emergencies that may strike the country in the coming future.
Coastal Communities Livelihoods Assistance Program (CLAP)
- Donor: LIFT Board (Multi Donor Trust Fund for Livelihoods and Food Security Trust Fund)
- Location: Pyapon, Bogale, Dedaye, Kyaiklat Townships of Ayeyarwaddy Division, Kungyangon Township of Yangon Division
The Coastal Communities Livelihoods Assistance Program (CLAP) focused on pro-poor investment focusing on the creation of community and village based groups of beneficiaries themselves who actively participated in enhancing their income through employment-intensive activities.
The main purpose of the program was to rebuild sustainable livelihoods with local ownership through employment-intensive construction in 230 villages across 5 townships in Delta (Bogale, Pyapon, Kyaiklat, Dedaye and Kungyangon Townships). The program was benefited over 25,000 families, and has not only provided quick employment opportunities but ensured sustainable livelihoods, skill development of most vulnerable people, cleaner environment and use of local technology for sustainable development.
Empowering communities to make decisions regarding their own development was the basic approach of the program. The program was directly benefited 15,062 households, a population of over 70,000 people across five townships, of those 33% were woman headed household.
Rebuilding Homes – Rebuilding Lives Coastal Settlements Support Programme (CSSP)
- Donor: NZAID (New Zealand’s International Aid and Development Programme)
- Location: Kungyanon Township of Yangon Division
- Duration: June 2010 – Oct 2010
The goal of the Rebuilding Homes- Rebuilding Lives - Coastal Settlements Support Programme is to facilitate the communities rebuilding their own homes through self-help people's process. Vulnerable families’ proactively participate in recovery while re-establishing community-based social protection measures; thus community capacity to plan and manage the recovery process is enhanced leading to sustained long-term development.
In total, 131 most vulnerable families who were living in tents or makeshift camps were assisted with new disaster resilient shelters, while an additional 300 vulnerable families were assisted through improving latrine facilities and water supply facilities of their damaged shelters.
Rebuilding Homes – Rebuilding Lives Coastal Settlements Sustainable Recovery Programme (CSSR) – Phase I & II
- Donor: US Agency for International Development (USAID)
- Location: Dedaye Township of Ayeyarwaddy Division
- Duration: June 2010 – Dec 2011
The Rebuilding Homes – Rebuilding Lives Coastal Settlements Sustainable Recovery Programme (CSSR) was supported the holistic rehabilitation of vulnerable communities settled along the coast in Dedaye Township, Ayeyarwaddy Division. With the support of USAID, the CSSR program of UN-Habitat assisted 1,650 households with shelter recovery in 32 villages across Dedaye Township by the end of 2011. The CSSR program has ensured that a total of 1,650 households are the direct beneficiaries of safer, disaster-resilient shelters (1,000 shelters comprised Phase 1 of the program, and 650 shelters comprised Phase 2) with access to safe water and sanitation at the household and community level.
Safe and Sustainable Access to WASH for Rural Communities (SASA-WRC) Donor: Australian Agency for International Development (AUSAID)
- Location: Wundwin Township of Mandalay Division
- Partner: Departed of Rural Development
- Duration: Jan 2011 – July 2011
The Safe and Sustainable Access to WASH for Rural Communities (SASA-WRC) programme is a focused initiative implemented in 39 villages and 1 ward of Wundwin township in the Mandalay Division of the Dry Zone.
The project directly benefited 9,971 households (69,101 people) which represents a one third increase over planned figures. 52% of the beneficiaries (35,863) were women. Living conditions for beneficiaries have been significantly improved by facilitating access to safe water and sanitation through the provision of 3, water supply and sanitation schemes, and 11 feeder roads.
Training was also provided to eighty carpenters/artisans/masons and village members on masonry, construction of fly proof latrines and repair of hand-pumps and engines for tube wells. The trainings for carpenters and masons emphasized integration of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) measures.
‘Promotion of Hygiene Education and Sanitation Practices’ was implemented in all target villages to promote hygiene education and sanitation practices aimed at preventing or mitigating water, sanitation and hygiene related diseases and facilitating community participation in decision making.
Activities were identified, prioritized and implemented in consultation with the communities themselves who developed their own community action plans highlighting areas of greatest needs.
From the beginning and during project implementation there was close coordination among the four UN agencies supported by AUSAID (UNDP, UNHCR, UNICEF and UN-Habitat). At Yangon and field level the project coordinated with the Department of Development Affairs (DDA) of Ministry of Borders Affairs. Coordination and collaboration with the WASH Thematic Group continued throughout.
Emergency Shelter Package for the homeless vulnerable families – Cyclone Giri, Myebon
- Donor: CERF
- Partners: ADRA (Myanmar), Border Development Association (BDA), Danish Refugee Council (DRC), Myanmar Enhancement to Empower Tribal (MEET), Nobel Compassionate Volunteer Group (NCV), Social Vision Services (SVS), Swanyee Development Foundation, Solidarites International
- Duration: April 2011 – June 2011
The objectives of the “Emergency Shelter Package for the homeless vulnerable families” project is to provide the relevant type of emergency shelter support needed, based on needs and damage assessment on the ground, to 2250 families in Myebon Township classified as most-vulnerable as per identified beneficiary criteria, before July 2011.
The project was implemented in 37 villages across 25 village tracts in Myebon Township among the most vulnerable and in dire need of Shelter support in the Rakhine State. In order to maximize resource impact and minimize overlap and duplication of activities, the project engaged in coordination and cooperation with other implementing agencies ADRA, BDA, DRC/SVS, MEET, NCV, Swanyee and Solidarities’ International) to determine precise village level locations. 317 carpenters were trained in disaster resilient shelter construction and retrofitting through carpenter trainings provided by UN- Habitat.
Carpenters were provided IEC materials and carpenter toolkit boxes to implement the project and further uses. 10 model houses were built by the carpenters during their on the job trainings and these houses were transferred to the most vulnerable beneficiaries.
Rebuilding Homes – Rebuilding Lives Rakhine Settlements Support Programme (RSSP)
- Donor: Government of Norway
- Location: Myebon and Minbya Townships of Rakhine State
- Duration: April 2011 – March 2012
The Rakhine Settlements Support Programme (RSSP) funded by the Government of Norway was was implemented in 32 villages and directly benefited 3,405 households - a population of approximately 20,500 people - spread across two townships (Myebon and Minbya). The programme ensured that a total of 2,798 households are the direct beneficiaries of disaster-resilient retrofitted shelters and 607 households of new shelters.
The RSSP also provided access to safe water and sanitation to 5,424 households. 239 community carpenters were trained in disaster resilient shelter construction and retrofitting through carpenter trainings provided by UN-Habitat. The construction materials and tool kits were provided and labor costs for building and retrofitting basic shelter with DRR principles.
During program implementation, gender mainstreaming was emphasized, by ensuring women‟s participation on Village Recovery Committees, and by including women as construction site monitors.
Post-Cyclone Giri Community-Based Emergency and Early Recovery Initiative
- Donor: ECHO
- Location: Myebon and Minbya Townships of Rakhine State
- Duration: May 2011 – May 2012
The programme’s goal is to improve the shelter conditions of most vulnerable households through provision of shelter materials, rapid skills upgrading for safer building techniques, promotion of livelihoods with local construction and mobilization of building materials; injection of cash into local economy through housing programmes that provide livelihood opportunities for unskilled workers, artisans, carpenters, masons, and ensure sustainability of resettlement sites with integrated approach.
The programme provides communities with grants and the organizational and technical guidance necessary to rehabilitate and rebuild their shelter. The programme was implemented in in Myebon and Minbya Townships of Rakhine Division where the Cyclone Giri affected area.
The programme was directly benefited 2,798 households, a population of 16,788 people (male 8,226, female 8,562) were provided with emergency shelter materials, 500 carpenters were provided with training and toolkits and 20 most vulnerable households were provided with a model house constructed during the on the job carpentry training.
Shae Thot (the way forward)
- Donor: USAID
- Location year 1: Myingyan, Nyaung-U and Meiktila Townships of Mandalay Region / Shwepyithar Township of Yangon Region
- Location year 2: Pakokku, Seikphyu, Sinbaungwe and Aunglan Townships of Magway Regaion/ Shwepyithar Township of Yangon Region
- Location year 3: Monywar, Pale, Budalin Townships of Sagaing Region/ Shwepyithar Towship of Yangon Region Partner: PACT Myanmar, Department of Rural Development, Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development, Myanmar
- Duration: Nov 2011- Sept 2016 (ongoing)
Shae Thot, a five year program (2011 – 2016), is design to provide 3,000 villages in Rangoon Division, the Dry Zone and Southern Shan State of Burma with comprehensive, holistic services on maternal health and child health, livelihoods, food security and water and sanitation and hygiene in order to alleviate suffering and prevent death.
These activities are intrinsically linked, since improvement in one area bring about improvements in other areas. Shae Thot is the collaborative design of four main partners, where UN-Habitat concentrates on increasing people’s access to adequate and safe water and improved hygiene through not only infrastructural improvements but also transfer of knowledge and development of skills of the people by means of hands-on training.
After two years of implementation, 340,395 people have been given access to safe drinking water and received sanitation facilities.
Land Administration and Management Programme (LAMP) for Myanmar
- Donor: LIFT (Livelihood and Food Security Trust Fund)
- Partner: Settlements and Land Records Department (SLRD)
- Duration: June 2012 – May 2014
The purpose of the Land Administration and Management Programme (LAMP) is to strengthen land administration and management by testing new processes and technologies at rural and urban pilot sites. Successful pilot processes can be replicated and scaled up in other townships.
The programme is implemented in pilot townships benefiting from:
- Farm land holdings recognized with the issuance of the land use certificate at low cost
- Information and education of the public on land laws and documents. All land holdings shown up to date on accurate maps
- A modern and fast service for registering changes in land transactions such as inheritance, sale, and mortgage
- Transparent process for adjudicating disputes on land
Safer Coastal and Urban Communities through DRR in Myanmar
- Donor: DIPECHO
- Location: Sittwe, Rathidaung, Pauktaw, Myebon townships of Rakhine State Labutta, Pathein, Pyapon townships of Ayeyarwaddy Region Kyun Su township of Tanintharyi Region Sagaing city of Sagaing Region Bago city and Taungoo city of Bago Region National Level, 14 States and Regions
- Partners: Relief and Resettlement Department, Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Department of Human Settlements and Housing Development, Ministry of Constrcution Central Training School, Public Works Department Ministry of Construction Myanmar Engineering Society Myanmar Geo-Sciences Society Myanmar Earthquake Committee Regional Government, City and Township Authorities MCCR Partners: Action Aid UK, Plan International, Oxfam International, Helpage International and Malteser International
- Duration: June 2012 – Jan 2014
The second round of DIPECHO funding for Myanmar focus on two specific targets in terms of hazards and areas: • As a consolidation of the first phase, actions will target coastal areas from Rakhine State to Tanintharyi Region for cyclone, tropical storm, storm surge, tidal wave as well as multi-hazard approaches.
Priority will be given to the most vulnerable communities with few coping mechanisms living in rural areas highly exposed to the above mentioned hazards. In addition, earthquake preparedness measures will be launched, targeting urban and peri-urban areas along the Sagaing fault-line.
The project supports carpenter trainings along with its Myanmar Consortium for Community Resilience (MCCR) partners in eight pilot townships to promote safer construction and prioritized small scale mitigation activities at the community level.
At strategic level, UN-Habitat is working with Ministry of Construction and Myanmar Engineering Society (MES) in development of training modules for Carpentry Trade (Construction) along the lines of National Skills Standards Authority (NSSA) currilum.
The project supported Relief and Resettlement Department at National and State/Region in provision of 15 sets of Training Aids (Laptop, Projector, Portable Audio System and Generator) for training outreach and awareness programme.
In addition it partners with DRR Working Group in conducting advocacy workshop on DRR targeting Regional Government Ministries, Parliament members and officials who are engaged in policy making. The process will also result in collecting their local priorities for each State/Region which also complement the MAPDRR.
Recognizing the need to have relevant tools for enhancing earthquake knowledge, the project will develop Risk Communication Tool for Earthquakes in partnership with all key stakeholders.
Disaster Risk Reduction for Safe & Resilient Burmese Coastal Communities
- Donor: USAID/ OFDA
- Location: Bogale Township (Ayeyarwaddy Region), Kungyangon Township (Yangon Region), Ye Township (Mon State), and Kyun Su Township (Tanintharyi Region)
- Partners: Department of Human Settlements and Housing Development (DHSHD) Public Works Department (PWD) Urban Research and Development Institute (URDI) Myanmar Engineering Society (MES) Academic and Professional Institutions, relevant stakeholders from key Ministries and Departments, Township Administration, DRR Working Group members
- Duration: Oct 2012 – Sep 2014
The goal of “Disaster Risk Reduction for Safe & Resilient Burmese Coastal Communities (DRR-SBCC)” is to “enhance resilience of coastal communities to current and future risks through evidence based information for policy advocacy and mainstream disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation into development planning”.
Following strategy is proposed in order to achieve the programme goal:
Objective 1: Minimize exposure and vulnerability of coastal communities to current and future risks through safe settlement planning by assessing existing policy and practices related to land use planning for town and city planning, and develop guidelines for land use planning in the context of Myanmar and demonstrate priority mitigation activities to minimize future exposure to disaster risk. Further it will establish linkages for training of relevant staffs on land use planning at Urban Research and Development Institute (URDI), under the Ministry of Construction.
Objective 2: Institutionalize capacity building of carpenters in vulnerable reduction of built environment through disaster resilient construction practices and though incorporation of green building concepts. In addition to training of carpenters from the pilot townships and communities in disaster resistant construction practices, this activity will strategically support competency based skills certification for construction trades (carpentry) through Ministry of Construction and Myanmar Engineering Society. Objective 3: Advocacy on all of the above targeted to high level government officials at National, State and Township levels and awareness raising at community level.
The Programme for Development and Rehabilitation of Community in Ethnic Minority Area
- Donor: Japan
- Location: Mansi, Momauk, Shwegu, Waingmaw townships of Kachin State Matupi, Mindat twonships of Chin State Pekon, Pindaya, Pinlaung, townships of Shan State Demoso township of Kayah State
- Partner: Department of Rural Development, Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries, and Rural Development, Myanmar
- Duration: May 2013 – May 2014
The programme for Development and Rehabilitation of Community in Ethnic Minority Area in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar aims to assist communities of Kachin, Chin, Kayah and Shan States through provision of basic community infrastructure, water, sanitation and hygiene promotion, and shelter (Kachin State) through community-led development. As well, community members will be equipped into savings and credit groups to encourage savings and utilizing it for income generation activities.
The overall objective of the programme is to provide with a two-pronged approach of assisting in affected people in ‘Comprehensive Recovery” through a) Restoration of shelter, water supply, sanitation and community infrastructure; and b) Provision of inputs, tools and skills to restore livelihoods. These two combined will ensure human security and sustainable return where interventions will help improving the living conditions and the lives of the poorest households significantly, allowing for the development of a stronger social, economic and health fabric for long-term development goals.
The programme will benefit approximately 50,000 families representing 250,000 individuals in 500 villages across 10 townships of Kachin, Chin, Shan and Kayah States. These families and communities will directly benefit from the result of community infrastructure, shelter and water and sanitation and hygiene activities. They will also indirectly benefit from the recovery of the local economy from cash-for-work activities supported by the programme.
Myanmar Climate Change Alliance
- Donor: European Union (EU)
- Partners: UNEP/ Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry, Myanmar
- Duration: July 2013 - 2017
Myanmar is to receive financial support under the Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA), which was launched in 2007 to strengthen dialogue and cooperation on climate change between the European Union (EU) and developing countries most vulnerable to climate change. The overall objective is to mainstream climate change into Myanmar policy development and reform agenda.
The specific objectives of the project are:
- To strengthen the climate change related institutional and policy environment through sharing of technical knowledge and best practice, training and institutional support.
- To promote evidence-based planning and policy making through pilot integration of climate change into sub-national and local level development planning initiatives.
Expected Results of MCCA Programme:
- Expected result 1: Government, civil society and the private sector in Myanmar are more aware of the implications of climate change.
- Expected result 2: Government has the capacity and support needed to intergrate climate change considerations in policies, strategies, plans and operations and civil society capacity to contribute to climate change activities is enhanced.
- Expected result 3: Lessons drawn on climate change from sub-national and local level activities inform policymaking and are communicated to relevant decision-makers in the relevant sectors.
In developing a national Climate Change strategy, Myanmar can demonstrate an integrated approach to mainstreaming climate change into national and local development plans. This will help Myanmar to promote sustainable economic development that incorporates climate change risk mitigation and preparation.
By the end of the project period in 2017, Myanmar will be equipped with policy tools and capacity that can access global climate finance to address climate change induced threats across development sectors. Myanmar will also be able to take advantage of opportunies for sustainable economic growth coupled with ensuring climate resilience for vulnerable and exposed people in Myanmar.
Urban Planning Guidelines for the Union of Myanmar
The project seeks to address current urban planning needs and challenges. It focuses on promoting site specific tools and systems, which will enable towns and cities address urbanization issues and ensure sustainable growth by securing public space, effective street networks, and land tenure. UN-Habitat is also assisting the government to prepare a capacity development plan and Guidelines for Township Urban Development Plans that will be adopted and used by national and local planners to shape future cities. Two city plans were reviewed and a planning charrette was conducted in 2015 that contributed to the improvement of the town plans for Pyay and Kalay. A draft planning guideline for townships has been drafted and shared with the country office.
Project duration: 2015-2016
Donor: Sida
Implementing partners: Government of Myanmar