Land and Natural Resource Tenure Security In Selected Countries Of Eastern And Southern Africa: Synthesis Report
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Land and Natural Resource Tenure Security In Selected Countries Of Eastern And Southern Africa: Synthesis Report

This publication features challenges, strategies and tools for increasing poor people’s access to secure land and natural resources in countries in East and Southern Africa where land and natural resource initiatives have been implemented by governments, civil society, the private sector and other  developmental organizations. It allows for comparison between the selected countries, which will be helpful for practitioners and students of land-related disciplines and researchers to better grasp the complexities of dealing with land and natural resource tenure in these countries. The report enhances current knowledge of land and natural resource tenure challenges and hopefully will inspire additional policy debate on implementation of land and natural resources tenure programmes. It will also be useful to GLTN’s global partners (currently more than 77 consisting of professionals, development partners, research and training institutions, technical and civil society groups) in addressing land and natural resource tenure and reform, among other issues.