
Annual Report 2023: Local action in a time of crises
Annual Report
Annual Report 2023: Local action in a time of crises
In a world grappling with crises, cities emerge as pivotal agents of change. UN-Habitat’s 2023 report underscores the urgent need for urban transformation to tackle issues ranging from climate change to inequality,… Read more
Global Report
Rescuing SDG 11 for a resilient urban planet
The current report shows that the world is off track in achieving SDG 11. Rescuing SDG 11 is urgent for the sake of present and future generations. The report points to the immense opportunities that exist and the… Read more
Financial Management Training Series Volume 3 - Managing Capital Investments
Technical Report
Financial Management Training Series Volume 3 - Managing Capital Investments
The third volume is somewhat technical but the basic concepts will work with policy makers. The advanced concepts can be used with the chief executive officers, finance managers and department heads. Citizen participation, transparency and accountability are highlighted in this volume.
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 Financial Management Training Series Volume 2 - Managing the Operating Budget
Technical Report
Financial Management Training Series Volume 2 - Managing the Operating Budget
The second volume is more technical in nature but the basic concepts can still be used for policy makers. The advanced concepts are written primarily for chief executive officers, finance managers and department heads. The short-term operating budget and long-term capital investment plans, the engines that drive local government, have a central role and there is an added emphasis on the need for citizen input.

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 Financial Management Training Series Volume 1 - Creating a Financial Framework
Technical Report
Financial Management Training Series Volume 1 - Creating a Financial Framework
The first volume provides decision makers with a basic financial foundation. Financial policies, planning and citizen participation are cross-cutting topics that impact all aspects of local government decision-making. Volume 1 is especially good for policy makers and chief executive officers.
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Flagship Report
世界城市状况报告2006/2007 (State of the World’s Cities 2006/2007)
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World Urban Forum 4 Report
Activities Report
World Urban Forum 4 Report , The World’s Premier Conference on Cities Nanjing, China 3-6 November 2008
The Fourth Session of the World Urban Forum held in Nanjing, China from 3-6 November 2008 drew nearly 8,000 participants from 146 countries.
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Kenya Kisumu Urban Profile
Urban Profile
Kenya: Kisumu Urban Profile
isumu is Kenya's third largest city and is located in the Western Highlands on Lake Victoria.
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Kenya Mavoko Urban Profile
Urban Profile
Kenya: Mavoko Urban Profile
Mavoko is situated in Machakos District some 25 km south east of Nairobi.
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Technical Report
Navigating Gender in African Cities: Synthesis Report of Rapid Gender and Pro-Poor Assessments in 17 African Cities
This Report is a synthesis report of the participatory and Rapid Gender Assessment (RGA) Reports that were conducted in the 17 cities of the Water for African Cities (WAC) II Programme.
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Water Sector in Small Urban Ce
Water Sector in Small Urban Centres: Innovative Financing - Experiences with Secondary Urban Centres Water Supply and Sanitation Service Delivery
Secondary urban centres vary widely, both in terms of economic base and water service delivery models.
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Press Release
Inaugural World Cleanup Day launches in Norway
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Technical Report
Amman Climate Action Plan
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Press Release
UN-Habitat announces 2024 Scroll of Honour Award winners
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Financial Audit
Acquisition report to Member States - August
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Acquisition Report August 2024
Financial Audit
Acquisition Report August 2024
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Draft work programme of UN-Habitat and draft budget of the United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation for 2025
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Financial status of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme as at 30 June 2024
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Round table 2 Concept note
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Roundtable one concept note
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