
[Close of Business, East African Time]

  1. The Project:

UN-Habitat has partnered with the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) to improve access to reliable services and socio-economic opportunities for migrants and displaced populations in urban settlements in three countries, namely, Cameroon, Egypt, and Jordan. The Urban Planning and Infrastructure in Migration Contexts (UPIMC) project supports a number of municipalities that host displaced populations in developing long-term strategies that build on their resilience to face future challenges. The UPIMC aims to foster multi-sectoral collaboration between UN-Habitat, national and local governments, humanitarian actors, development partners, as well as international financial institutions to develop sustainable interventions that build inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable settings. 

The project is announcing a Call for Proposals (CP) to identify an Implementing Partner for its regional spatial planning activities in selected cities in Cameroon, Egypt, and Jordan. The cooperation will focus on delivering the project’s third component “Defining Prioritized Infrastructure Investments & Linkages to Financing”, in the three countries. 

Building upon the analytical work and the recommendations for the selection of pilot areas under the first component, and further developing strategic visioning and scenario building for urban development in selected neighbourhoods. The implementing partner will aid in prioritizing investments through an assessment of the economic, social, and environmental potential as well as of the sustainable impact of the proposed interventions on the city and its migrant communities. 

1.1 Project Key Information

  • UN-Habitat Project Title: Urban Planning and Infrastructure in Migration Contexts (UPIMC)
  • Locations:
    • Douala 3 – Cameroon
    • Mafraq – Jordan
    • Kafr El Battikh – Egypt
  • Anticipated start date: 1 September 2023
  • Estimated duration of the project in months:  12 months
  • Anticipated end date: 1 September 2024
  • Maximum proposed value in US$: 65,000
  • Lead organization unit: Planning Finance and Economy Section, Urban Practices Branch

2.0. Tasks to be Performed by the Implementing Partner:

UN-Habitat is seeking to enter an Agreement of Cooperation (AoC) with a qualified Implementing Partner (IP). The project will fund the successful IP [Refer to item 5.0 of this CP] to deliver the following tasks:

  1. Providing strategic advice, guidance, and coaching to a local team of financial consultants established by the UN-Habitat country offices in charge of Project operations in Jordan (Mafraq), Egypt (Kafr El Battikh City) and Cameroon (Douala 3). 

  2. Reviewing and providing feedback on the delivered municipal assessment reports to align the efforts between the countries, and for incorporation into the spatial profiles’ sections for the second phase. 

  3. Developing a detailed potential Donor Fit Assessment highlighting the linkage between the identified needed projects and the donors' interest while providing guidance on which projects should be showcased to the respective donors.

  4. Reviewing and enhancing, with the support of local finance experts, the identified high priority projects' brief documents to addresses the objectives of the appropriate donors or financiers, aligning with their funding strategy.

  5. Compiling content on raising finance and investments for infrastructure projects for the development of UPIMC normative guidebook document. 

  6. Defining and building a scoring matrix for prioritizing need infrastructure projects and providing a common analysis framework aligned between the three countries and develop innovative, actionable financial strategies and market-driven solutions to unlock investments aimed at addressing climate change if applicable.

  7. Conducting regular meetings with UN-Habitat HQ and UPIMC Coordinators regarding the status of advancement of the work. 

  8. Conducting regular virtual country Finance Expert Group Meetings to review and provide feedback on the municipal finance reports. 

  9. Drafting the final activity report of the backstopping strategic advice for the mapping and prioritization of urban infrastructure.

3.0. Eligibility and Qualifications:

The applying organization must be a government organization or a Non-Profit organization. The applications must provide:

  • Name of the organization, address, and physical location.

  • Specify the legal status of the organization and provide supporting documents. 

The application to demonstrate qualification as per the following aspects:

  • Technical Capacity and Track Record, in formulating strategic advice, guidance, and coaching on research for development planning and spatial analysis, supporting prioritization of investment needs and linkages to finance opportunities. In response to this, provide a brief technical proposal and work plan (refer to item 2.0 of this CP). 

  • Staff and Operational Capacity - This includes specifying expertise available, experiences with similar projects, and experience of implementing similar projects in developing countries, especially African contexts. The ability to mobilize local operations should be demonstrated.

  • Demonstrate Project Administration Capacity, including specifying project management within the organization after contracting. 

  • Demonstrate Financial Capacity- Provide a brief financial proposal based on the tasks listed under item 2.0 of this CP and the applicant’s technical proposal, and as per the budget limit specified under item 5.0 of this CP. Also indicate the financial sustainability of the organization (includes attaching annual audited reports).

  • Provide a justifiable and prudently estimated budget proposal for each component of the activities to be performed by the implementing partner. 

  • Participation in partnership projects involving Governments, UN organizations and other International Organizations in the development field.

  • Provide any relevant supporting document such as links to projects done before or ongoing, publications.

4.0. Application:

The applicant’s proposal and accompanying documents must indicate the CP reference: CP/0

Submit the CP application by email to the attention of Niina Rinne ( and Jia Cong Ang ( and copied to Eric Muchunku (

The submission email subject to read only as: CP/

This CFP does not entail any commitment on the part of UN-Habitat, either financial or otherwise. UN-Habitat reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Proposals without incurring any obligation to inform the affected applicant(s) of the grounds. 

All documents that the Partner has obtained externally must be certified as true copies of the originals by a Notary Public (NP), Commissioner of Oaths (CO) or its equivalent.

All prices must be in USD

5.0. Financing: 

UN- Habitat, through this project, will avail up to USD 65,000 to the successful applicant. The fund will be utilized as per the Agreement of Cooperation.

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