
Project Key Information: 

  • UN-Habitat Project title: Support to the Restoration of Minimal Functionality of Infrastructure in Urban Areas in Syria. 
  • Locations 
    • Town/City: Homs City.  
    • Country: Syria. 
  • Anticipated start date: Mid of September 2023. 
  • Estimated duration of project in calendar months: Three (3) Months 
  • Maximum proposed value in US$: 50,000 US$
  • Lead Organization Unit: UN-Habitat Syria Programme. 


Homs City was highly affected by the Syrian crisis both in terms of physical, economic, and social repercussions. The damage to housing, infrastructure, service facilities and economic activities was accompanied by population displacement and loss of social networks and capacity. During 2022, the city has undergone a highly participatory recovery planning process that resulted in the area-based and community-based prioritization of thematic and geographic areas for short- and mid-term interventions. 

The project “Support to the Restoration of Minimal Functionality of Infrastructure in Urban Areas in Syria” in Homs City supports the uptake of Homs recovery plan priorities following a community-led approach that integrates soft and hard activities focusing on three priority neighborhoods in the city. An additional element was added to the project in the aftermath of February earthquake that is the neighborhood disaster risk management plan aiming to strengthen community resilience to urban risks and to partially inform the site selection and design of public space rehabilitation activities. 

The activity “Participatory project design and management and the development of Neighborhood disaster risk management plan in three neighborhoods in Homs City” to which the CFP pertains, comprises a set of soft activities categorized under two main objectives: i) enabling the participatory design and M&E of physical projects’ implementation; and ii) Strengthening urban community resilience to disasters and shocks. The two objectives comprise a set of trainings, coaching, and participatory planning and project design activities.

Call for Proposal

Technical Proposal

Financial Proposal