

UN-Habitat intends to grant funds to an implementing partner with a strong presence and experience in the Kigoma region, Tanzania, particularly in Kasulu TC, Kigoma DC, and Uvinza DC. The grant aims to connect 26 primary schools in the three selected local government authorities in the Kigoma region (Kasulu TC, Kigoma DC, and Uvinza DC) to the water supply system available in the nearest possible sources of clean water to improve sanitation and promote hand hygiene. The selected schools have recently received improved pit latrines constructed with support from UN-Habitat under the UN KJP Phase One. The selected implementing partner will also construct a 5m3 ferro-cement tank and a rainwater harvesting system in each primary school to enable rainwater collection and enhance water storage. The selected implementing partner will also connect Kasulu Teachers College in Kasulu to the KUWASA water supply system (the Mudyanda water supply system) and improve the water supply system in Kabanga Teachers’ colleges. 

The names of the primary schools and the distances to be covered are as per the table below: 

Name of the school District/councils   Measured distance for water connection (m)  
Kigondo  Kasulu TC  145
Bogwe  Kasulu TC  178
Kibagwe  Kasulu TC  148
Mudyanda  Kasulu TC  130
Nyasha  Kasulu TC  150
Nyumbigwa  Kasulu TC  348
Kalema  Kasulu TC  150
Mwilanvya  Kasulu TC  95
Kiganza  Kigoma DC  88
Nyapemba  Kigoma DC  185
Musimba  Kigoma DC  90
Nyangwe  Kigoma DC  298
Kasaba  Kigoma DC  750
Simbo  Kigoma DC  145
Kamara  Kigoma DC  99
Mwakizega  Uvinza DC  188
Kabeba  Uvinza DC  394
Lulengelule  Uvinza DC  156
Nyambutwe  Uvinza DC  198
Sunzu  Uvinza DC  tbc
Tambuka reli  Uvinza DC  450
Lugufu  Uvinza DC  175
Mwamila  Uvinza DC  216
Nyanganga  Uvinza DC  189
Malagarasi relini  Uvinza DC  tbc
Lugongoni A  Uvinza DC  348
Mwembeni  Uvinza DC  315
Total distance 5,628 


In Kasulu Teachers College in Kasulu TC, the selected implementing partner is required to connect the college to the KUWASA water supply system (the Mudyanda water supply system), covering a distance of approximately 1418 meters, and perform minor repairs to the deteriorated water system at the college. This work is to be undertaken in close collaboration with the selected implementing partner, KUWASA, and the College Board. 

 In Kabanga Teacher College, the selected implementing partner will be tasked with reviewing the technical data on the borehole's yield, flushing the borehole, conducting a pump test, fixing the water pump, and improving the water supply system. In the event of the venture's failure, the selected implementing partner will work with the College Management, Kigoma Grand School, and Kasulu District Commissioner’s office to connect the college with the Kigoma Grand School water supply system. 

 The selected implementing partner is also expected to build the capacity of the schools and colleges on the use and maintenance of the facilities to be put in place, establish school water and sanitation clubs, and provide support to the schools for a period of at least six months from the commissioning day. 

 This project is being implemented as part of the UN Kigoma Joint Programme Phase-II (KJP-II). The UNKJP aims to improve human security in the Kigoma region, which receives refugees from neighboring Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo. It comprises 17 UN agencies collaborating in four outcome areas: People, Planet, Prosperity, and Enabling Environment. UN Habitat works under the People theme alongside UNICEF, UNHCR, and WHO. 

 The purpose of this project is to ensure that the Uvinza DC, Kasulu TC, and Kigoma DC communities, as well as the selected primary schools and colleges, have increased access to clean water, improved sanitation facilities, and hygiene services. 

 UN-Habitat is therefore seeking expressions of interest (EOI) from interested partners, implementing partners with a strong presence and experience in the Kigoma region, for undertaking this project within a period of no more than four months. 

 The EOIs should contain, but not be limited to, the following: 

• An overall background of the institution, particularly its experience in undertaking similar projects; 

• The overall methodology for undertaking the project, detailing activities to be undertaken, the timeframe, innovations, and budget; 

• The support/contribution the organization is willing to make, including cash and in-kind contributions; 

• Governance and organizational structure; experience and qualifications of key professional staff, and infrastructure facilities of the organization; 

• A certified true copy of the original Audited Account Statement for the last two years; and the latest annual report. 

 Implementing partners who can demonstrate the strongest presence in the project areas, innovation in undertaking the work, and experience in implementing similar projects will receive the highest consideration possible. 

  1. UN-Habitat Contribution 

Upon selection UN-Habitat will enter into an Agreement of Cooperation with the selected entity. UN-Habitat will contribute financial resources totalling approximately USD 79,500 towards this Agreement. 

  1. Submission Requirements and Guidelines 

Expression of Interest must be delivered in electronic format no later than  31 October 2023 to Ms. Rose Mureithi -,  and  Mr. Stanslaus Nyembea - copying to Mr. Hezekiah Pireh -

Contact Information 

Hezekiah Pireh 

Urban Basic Services Section  

United Nations Human Settlements Programme  


P.O. Box 30030, Nairobi, Kenya 

Tel: 254-20-7625288; 7623668   

  1. Other 

Please note that this EoI notice does not constitute a solicitation. UN-Habitat reserves the right to change or cancel this requirement at any time in the Expressions of Interest/or solicitation process. 

Submitting a reply to an EoI does not guarantee that a Cooperation Partner will be considered for receipt of the solicitation when issued and only Cooperation Partners who are deemed qualified by UN-Habitat upon completion of evaluation of submission, will receive the final solicitation document.