United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)
Call for Expressions of Interest for
DIY Waste Wise Cities Tool (WaCT) with technical support through African Clean Cities Platform (ACCP)
Date first published: 5 February 2024
Deadline for submissions of EOI: 15 March 2024
1. Introduction
The African Clean Cities Platform (ACCP) was established in 2017 in Maputo, Mozambique, by 24 African countries together with the Ministry of the Environment of Japan (MOEJ), the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the City of Yokohama, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat). It serves as a platform for knowledge exchange and international cooperation for improved solid waste management in Africa, to address ever-increasing Africa’s waste issues.
The ACCP Secretariat is hosted by UN-Habitat and as of 9 January 2024, 175 cities and 47 countries have become members of ACCP, and various activities in the below-listed action areas have been carried out since its establishment:
Knowledge sharing and networking: ACCP Assemblies are organized to share knowledge and experience in conjunction with TICAD (Tokyo International Conference on African Development).
Promoting the achievement of waste SDG targets: Capacity development and training programmes are provided for ACCP members to achieve waste-related SDG targets, as well as online knowledge sharing and learning opportunities provided.
Supporting project development in waste management: Using the Waste Wise Cities Tool (WaCT) as a standard data collection tool, ACCP supports member cities to develop evidence-based tangible projects on the ground.
2. Expression of Interest
ACCP Secretariat is calling for an Expression of Interest for ACCP member cities to be selected as a city to apply DIY WaCT with training and technical support, to establish and/or improve the city’s sustainable municipal solid waste management system based on Waste Wise Cities Tool (WaCT) results.
SDG indicator 11.6.1 survey utilising WaCT, a rapid assessment and monitoring methodology of municipal solid waste management developed by UN-Habitat, will provide comprehensive and essential datasets with in-depth analysis of policy and infrastructure investment gaps, operational financing gaps, as well as the city’s status of current municipal solid waste management system. In addition, the results will facilitate evidence-based tangible solid waste management project formulation and identification of the intervention areas in the city’s solid waste management sector.
The successful applicants should have the capacity to plan and implement the WaCT survey, analyse the survey results and data, organize the training workshop and stakeholders’ workshop before and after the WaCT survey and prepare an action plan to improve their solid waste management with support from a SWM expert provided by the ACCP Secretariat, both on-site and/or off-site.
The support provided by UN-Habitat will include:
On-site support from a SWM expert for the maximum of 25 days, if needed
Online technical support from the SWM expert for data analytics, report writing, and action planning
Survey tool cost and stipends for volunteers
Training workshop and stakeholders workshop venue cost
ACCP member cities who can:
Provide human resources and its cost:
dedicated focal point
2-3 solid waste management senior officers to coordinate and work with UN-Habitat for the entire survey process that includes; conducting WaCT survey, analyzing the status, and submitting a report to UN-Habitat within 6 months.
Organise of project kick-off event in coordination with UN-Habitat
Identify key local waste stakeholders (e.g. waste collection companies, recycling companies, waste pickers associations, etc.)
Select 9 areas (3 area from low, middle and high-income settlements) for the household waste sampling;
- Provide at least 18 surveyors - environmental officers / volunteers from community / students / surveyors supporting the waste sampling process for 2-3 weeks: they will get a certificate from UN-Habitat for WaCT training;
- Provide max.9 vehicles for waste sampling for 1.5 weeks;
- Organize of local stakeholders workshop in coordination with UN-Habitat and
Any other logistical support that might be required for the successful survey conduct
3. Submitting Expressions of Interest
A party wishing to express its interest in applying DIY WaCT must submit an EOI (maximum 5 pages) which should contain, but not be limited to the following:
- Overall background or interest of the institution in the area of solid waste management
- A short conceptual proposal on how the organisation plans to conduct WaCT survey, analysis, and reporting with a specific timeline
- A letter describing the contribution the applicant is willing to make including, cash and in-kind; (contribution in terms of staff time, office space and equipment and other support in cash and in-kind should be expressed in monetary terms) and
- Governance and organizational structure of MSWM; experience and qualifications of key professional staff and infrastructure facilities of the organization.
4. Overall Timeframe
The work outlined in this EOI is scheduled to commence as soon as possible and completed by the end of June 2024.
Submission Requirements and Guidelines
All Expressions of Interest must be submitted in electronic format no later than 15 March 2024 to ACCP@un.org, with subject of the email “WaCT DIY”.
5 Other
Please note that this EOI notice does not constitute a solicitation. UN-Habitat reserves the right to change or cancel this requirement at any time in the Expressions of Interest/or solicitation process.
Submitting a reply to an EOI does not guarantee that a Cooperation Partner will be considered for receipt of the solicitation when issued and only Cooperation Partners who are deemed qualified by UN-Habitat upon completion of evaluation of submission will receive the final solicitation document.