Purpose of EoI: This EoI aims to identify suitable organizations to partner with UN-Habitat as a knowledge partner for collective actions to address the global waste crisis.
Submission Start Date: 15 August 2024
Submission Deadline Date and time: 30 August 2024 23.59 EAT
Submission Email: wastewisecities@un.org with CC: francesca.calisesi@un.org
Email subject: Knowledge Partnership for Cleanup Activities
Eligible partners: civil society organizations, private sector
Type of agreement with UN-Habitat: Memorandum of Understanding
The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) invites civil society organizations and private sector to express their interest in partnering to share knowledge about collective action and cleanup activities around the world.
UN-Habitat’s Waste Wise Cities, established in 2018, brings together cities and stakeholders worldwide to focus on four key areas 1) knowledge and practices sharing; 2) waste data and monitoring; 3) education and advocacy and 4) finance and bankability support. UN-Habitat has been actively involved in organizing cleanups, developing normative guidelines, and creating advocacy tools to improve waste management practices. Cleanups serve as a powerful tool for sustainable solid waste management by raising awareness, mobilizing stakeholders for collaboration, reducing waste in the environment, and generating revenue streams through waste recycling and reuse.
We are seeking knowledgeable and committed partners to collaborate on cleanup activities to enhance global communication and outreach, drive citizen engagement, and improve waste management practices in urban and rural areas. We aim to increase participation in cleanup activities and expand the Waste Wise Cities programme, focusing on raising public awareness about waste management and promoting the 5Rs principles (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover, and Redesign). By joining forces, we aspire to empower more cities and communities to catalyze the transformation towards a circular economy, fostering a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future. As background serves that on 8th December 2023, the United Nations General Assembly, (UNGA) adopted the resolution A/78/122, officially establishing World Cleanup Day to be observed annually on 20 September. This reflects a culmination of cleanups which many countries, cities and other actors are conducting regularly throughout the year. The resolution invites all Member States, organizations of the United Nations system, other international and regional organizations, and other relevant stakeholders, including civil society, the private sector and academia, to observe World Cleanup Day, through activities aimed at raising awareness of its contribution to achieving sustainable development and of the need to reduce waste pollution tangibly.
Objective of the EoI
The objectives of the EoI are to establish a knowledge partnership with selected partners to enhance knowledge and capacities, raise awareness, and promote normative products as well as activities related to cleanups to foster sustainable solid waste management.
Suggested areas of collaboration
Listed below are the suggested areas of collaboration that will be refined in the Memorandum of Understanding. Applicants are invited to elaborate on the following areas of collaboration and suggest others as relevant:
Knowledge and Practices Sharing: national, regional and local governments as well as partner organizations should leverage their existing networks and local presence to share knowledge and best practices on cleanups. By collaborating with others and sharing knowledge and practices, they can facilitate the exchange of successful strategies and innovative approaches, thereby enhancing the effectiveness and sustainability of cleanup initiatives. This collaboration helps in building a stronger movement around environmental sustainability.
Normative Products and Capacity-building: member states and partners should work together to create and disseminate normative products that guide and standardize sustainable cleanup practices. This includes developing comprehensive guidelines, toolkits, and training programs to build capacity among volunteers and local organizers. By providing clear, actionable guidance and resources, partners can ensure that cleanup activities are conducted efficiently and sustainably.
Awareness-raising, Dissemination and Coordination: utilize the extensive experience and networks of governments and partner organizations to raise awareness and enhance outreach efforts for cleanup activities. By raising public awareness, partners can inspire broader community participation and support. Promoting global cleanup initiatives, such as World Cleanup initiatives, can help maintain momentum and encourage ongoing engagement. Partner organizations can assist in organizing and coordinating cleanup events, bringing global attention to these efforts. This includes coordinating live events, featuring interviews with environmental advocates, and showcasing prominent figures who support pollution reduction and environmental protection. Effective event coordination and dissemination help highlight global achievements and encourage widespread participation in cleanup activities.
UN-Habitat Contribution
Upon selection, UN-Habitat will enter a Mode of Understanding with the selected entity to facilitate mutual and continuous knowledge exchange. However, UN-Habitat will contribute no financial resources to the cooperation.
Contact Information
Francesca Calisesi, Associate Officer (Solid Waste),
Urban Basic Services Section, Urban Practices Branch, Global Solutions Division
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)
P.O. Box 30030, Nairobi, Kenya
Please note that this notice does not constitute a solicitation. UN-Habitat reserves the right to change or cancel this requirement at any time in the Expressions of Interest/or solicitation process. Submitting a reply to an EoI does not guarantee that a Partner will be considered for receipt of the solicitation when issued and only Knowledge Partners who are deemed qualified by UN-Habitat upon completion of the evaluation of submission will receive the final solicitation document.