Event date

Event Type

Joint side-event with Ax:son Johnson Foundation on Public Space and closed door UN agencies roundtable

Organization(s) hosting

Project for Public Space and London markets



City, Country

New York, USA

Summary of events

(1)   Joint side event on “Measuring the Urban Commons” inviting cities (Addis, Johannesburg, Wuhan, Netherlands, Colombia) that have measured open and green public space on the neighbourhood and city level to present and discuss how we can advance on rolling out the public space assessment tool to be able to ensure that indicator for SDG 11.7.1 is elevated to Tier 3.

(2)   Closed door UN-agencies roundtable to develop a joint implementation framework with public space as the entry point to support cities in achieving SDG 11.7 and the New Urban Agenda.

(3)   Two Urban public space walks (one above ground and the other below ground).


Laura Petrella, Andrew Rudd, Jose Chong and Cecilia Andersson: laura.petrella@un.org

Website: www.sustainabledevelopment.un.org