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Event date

High Level Panel at the European Development Days

Thursday, June 8, 2017 - 14:30 to 16:00

Auditorium, Tour & Taxis, Brussels, Belgium

Most of today's global environmental problems can find their precedence in urban areas and lifestyles. Cities are responsible for 67% of the total global energy consumption and more than 70% of greenhouse gas emissions. Moreover, cities are also very vulnerable to climate impacts: 70% of cities are already dealing with the effects of climate change. But in the heart of the city lies an opportunity: cities are centers for innovation. City mayors are directly accountable to their constituents for their decisions, and can act faster to respond to challenges—often with immediate and impactful results. The session will explore how opportunities for climate change mitigation, adaptation and increased access to sustainable energy services at the urban level can be harnessed and scaled-up.

- Ms. Aisa Kirabo Kacyira, Deputy Executive Director, UN-Habitat
- Jonathan Taylor, Vice-President, European Investment Bank
- Sam Cheptoris, Minister of Water and Environment, Government of Uganda
- Rachid Ennassiri, EDD Young Leader, Morocco
- Celestine Ketcha Courtes, Mayor, City of Bangangté

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