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Ways Forward To Achieving Affordable And Inclusive Housing Finance For All


The EGM will bring together external expertise to discuss and help UN-Habitat to define principles, guidelines and policy recommendations for effective development of affordable and inclusive housing finance sector.

Different sessions will be organized to discuss the following topics:

  • Beyond the “enabling approach”: rebuilding the capacity of the state to promote adequate housing provision for all
  • Innovations in affordable and inclusive housing finance
  • UN-Habitat and partners’ work on promoting affordable and inclusive housing finance sector development
  • Remaining gaps and ways forward to reinforcing UN-Habitat’s advisory role in low income housing finance and inclusion.

The proposed structure of sessions is the following:

  1. State-of-the-art background: Keynote presentations outline the main background information, main challenges, innovations and paradigm changes needed.
  2. Discussants react and add to the keynote presentations: Discussants will pose questions, comments and share their experience, challenges and progress in different areas related to affordable and inclusive housing finance development.
  3. Round-table debate – all participants react and input to the discussion; a consensus-based understanding is expected with regards to the main topics of the session.


Specific objectives of this EGM include:

  1. To assess with partners what is needed to enhance or ‘rebuild’ the capacity of the state to promote adequate housing provision for all; in particular, what is lacking in terms of a public narrative, an overarching vision, for what could be different if the ‘enabling’ states were attuned to the social responsibilities of housing the poor majority whilst remaining responsive to the demands of ‘positioning’ national economies in a rapidly changing global political economy.
  2. To provide an “all-in-one” synthesis of trends, principles, guidelines, tools, innovations and practices in housing and slum upgrading finance and housing finance inclusion for low income households that should be promoted by UN-Habitat and development organizations, and instituted by governments, including through the implementation of the New Urban Agenda and UN-Habitat’s Global Housing Strategy.


The EGM will bring together individual experts from a variety of fields, including academia and international housing/finance experts, International Development and Inter-governmental Organizations, Development Finance Institutions, and other Habitat Agenda Partners namely government, local authorities, the private sector and representatives of civil society who play an active role in affordable housing finance.

The expected number of participants is 25-30 people.


The meeting will be conducted in English and simultaneous interpretation in Spanish. All documentation and presentations will be in English.

icon1 For more information, view programme here.


