Event date
Paris, France

Created by the International Union of Architects (UIA) in 1985, World Architecture Day is celebrated on the first Monday of October in parallel with UN World Habitat Day, for which the theme this year is Housing For All: A better Urban Future. By choosing a different theme each year, this world day seeks to draw the attention of professionals as well as the public to problems concerning cities and habitat.

Names and Titles of Speakers:

Riccardo Novacco, president of ATER Trieste;
Joint Secretariat of the Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020 Programme;
Cristina Davi, ATER Trieste;Rita Cararo, Kallipolis;
Lorena Marin, Municipality of San Donà di Piave;
Mario Benkoč, PINA;
Laura Colini, Senior Policy Advisor EU UIA/URBACT;
Ileana Toscano, Kallipolis;Cecilia Corsini, Kallipolis ;
Vid Tratnik, PINA
