Event date

The opening session will serve as a high-level kick-off for the week, providing a general introduction and framing of the topic and preparing the ground for the three thematic sessions. The thematic Policy Lab sessions will explore the just, green and productive dimensions (set out in the New Leipzig Charter) of NUPs in a number of European countries.

The event aims to:

  • Emphasise the role of NUPs in relation to key strategic agendas such as the New Urban Agenda, the Urban Agenda for the EU and especially the New Leipzig Charter and its implementation.
  • Present the key findings of the OECD report Global State of National Urban Policy 2021: Achieving Sustainable Development Goals and Delivering Climate Action.
  • Showcase NUPs' best practices from EUKN Members, to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experience among Member States and beyond, and ignite a discussion about their key political priorities from an NUP perspective.
  • Explore the core principles that NUPs should include, specifically in terms of supporting social cohesion (just), environmental sustainability (green) and economic development (productive) and in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic recovery.

All four sessions will be open to the public across the world and we encourage you to attend the event to input your expertise and insights. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to explore and contribute to EU Member States’ work to create more just, green and productive European cities!

Organisers: European Urban Knowledge Network (EUKN) and the OECD