Event date

A high-level dialogue for policy makers takes place on 17 March from 10h00 to 12h30 CET.

Participants of this session will learn  how to mobilize hard and soft power in the governance of urban planning and design. Furthermore, key findings of project Urban Maestro will be presented. The implications of these findings for the national and local level will be debated.

A technical forum is organized in the afternoon, from 14h30 to 16h30 CET.

This session will provide an opportunity to explore the wide range of alternative non-regulatory — or soft power — approaches used by European municipalities to drive urban planning and design.  Participants will have opportunities to browse through the multiple practices identified by project Urban Maestro and engage in conversations with the experts who have implemented them.

The event is organized by UN-Habitat in collaboration with the Portuguese Presidency/DG Territorio. It represents the closing of the EU-funded Urban Maestro project.
