Event date

Theme and involvement

The seminar, oc-organized by UN-Habitat, UCLG, SKR, and ICLD, will address key aspects of the local reporting on the achievement of the SDGs, focusing mainly on the Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs) process. Interested partners will hear from the experience of VLRs from other cities, as well as key actors supporting the process.

The session will be the occasion to launch a research report on the VLR experience of Swedish cities published by ICLD, UCLG and UN-Habitat.


Event Description and weblink

Voluntary Local Reviews are policy documents that can help local governments work on the achievement of the SDGs by:

Reporting progress

Showing political commitment

Enabling civic participation

Finding priority areas

They are inspired by the National Voluntary Reviews made by nations to report their progress to the United Nations.

Is your local government interested in making a VLR? In this seminar you can learn about the lessons learnt about:

Basic steps to start a VLR

How to include civil society in the VLR process

How to learn from other local governments with Glocal Partnerships financed by ICLD

During the event we will launch a research report on the experience of the Swedish Local Governments in Malmö, Stockholm, Uppsala, and Helsingborg in writing their first VLRs in 2021, co-published by ICLD, UCLG and UN-Habitat.


14:00 – 14:15 Welcome Remarks

Shipra Narang Suri, Chief of the Urban Practices Branch at UN-Habitat.

Emilia Saiz, Secretary General (UCLG)

14:15 – 14:30 VLRs in Sweden and Lessons for Local Democracy, Andrea Ciambra

14:30- 15:20 City to City peer learning in breakout rooms

Room 1: Malmö:  Frida Gothnier Leander and Manheim: Christian Hübel

Room 2: Stockholm: Elisabet Bremberg and Helen Slättman, Buenos Aires: Mariana Camissa

Room 3: Uppsala: Lindqvist Johan and Espoo Taajamaa Ville

Room 4: Helsingborg: Helen Wiklund and Harare: Dorothy Mavalwane

15:20 – 15:30 Conclusions and way forward

Moderators: Ana Maria Vargas and Anna Eklöf


Register here before March 24: https://www.delegia.com/app/attendee/new_registration.asp?PROJECTID=184…

UN-Habitat SDG Localization Team (contact person: claudia.garciazaragoza@un.org)

VLR-Seminar Invitation

VLR Seminar Agenda

VLR Seminar Summary

Event format
Virtual Event
Event category
Partner Event