● Small island developing states are among the most vulnerable countries in the world, at the forefront of the intertwined challenges of climate change and development.
● Small island developing states face a unique set of issues relating to their small size, remoteness, narrow resource and export base, and exposure to external economic shocks and global environmental challenges, including the impacts of climate change, which threatens not only health systems and infrastructure, but a country’s very survival.
● The SAMOA Pathway – Small island developing states Accelerated Modalities of Action – is an international framework that articulates the aspirations of small island developing states, recognizing that genuine and durable partnerships play a crucial role in advancing the sustainable development of small island developing states.
● Five years after the SAMOA Pathway agreement to support sustainable development in small island developing states, the High-Level Review will discuss measures to combat the devastating impacts of climate change, build resilience, and address other complex challenges faced by small island developing states, such as non-communicable diseases.
● The High-Level Review offers an important opportunity for the international community to assess the status of implementation of the SAMOA Pathway agreement, address the gaps, and suggest actions that reaffirm solidarity with and support for small island developing states. The unique challenges facing small island developing states will also feature prominently in the Climate Action Summit, the SDG Summit, and the HighLevel Meetings on Financing for Sustainable Development and Universal Health Coverage.
● As part of the High-Level Review, governments, private sector, civil society, academia and a wide range of other stakeholders will be encouraged to build and launch new and additional partnerships that advance the implementation of priority areas of the SAMOA Pathway and the Sustainable Development Goals in small island developing states.
● Genuine and durable partnerships for small island developing states play an important role in enhancing international cooperation and action to advance sustainable development and address the unique vulnerabilities of small island developing states.