We are pleased to INVITE you to attend the Expert Group Meeting (EGM) Towards a new generation of Voluntary Local Reviews: Connecting VLRs and VNRs, which will take place virtually 23-24 February 2021 and is organized by UN-Habitat (the Urban Practices Branch and the Country Office Spain), United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) and Madrid City Council.
The objective of the EGM is to pave the way towards a new, improved, generation of Voluntary Local Reviews, especially looking at strengthening connections between VLRs and VNRs.
The EGM feeds into the work of the VLR Series, the global process on VLRs led by UN-Habitat and UCLG. Cities and partners are invited to provide direct inputs to the development of the second Volume of the Guidelines for VLRs exploring the relation between VLRs and VNRs. The Vol.2 of the Guidelines, currently being drafted, represents at the same time the conceptual basis of the EGM. For more information, see documents attached (Concept note and Programme).
For any substantive questions related to the meeting you may contact Ms. Ana Munoz at ana.munozarranz@un.org or Mr. Gonzalo Lacurcia at gonzalo.lacurcia@un.org