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General Information

The Ministry of Housing and Urban Communities of the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Ministry of Urban Renewal and Informal Settlements and UN-Habitat are organizing the First Egypt Urban Forum (EUF) in Cairo. This ground-breaking event seeks to strengthen the existing urban institutional landscape at the national level and paves the way towards a greater integration of Egypt on the global urban development scene.

For the first time in Egypt, more than 300 Egyptian institutions, decision makers, civil society representatives, scholars and experts, private sector companies and around 50 regional and international partners will be invited to build a policy dialogue platform, shape Egypt’s future urban agenda and contribute to the World Urban Agenda at the Habitat III Conference in 2016.

Egypt Urban Forum1

The EUF will cover a wide spectrum of urban development issues in the following sectors:

  • Urban Planning and Renewal
  • Urban Governance
  • Urban Service Delivery
  • Housing 
  • Urban Economy

In total, the EUF will host up to 500 participants. Following the model of the World Urban Forum (WUF), the EUF structure will include a variety of sessions, exhibitions and side events to promote a genuine and inclusive dialogue as well as a platform for networking opportunities.


  • Provide a comprehensive platform to allow a meaningful dialogue and an active participation of all stakeholders that raises the challenges of sustainable urbanization.
  • Ensure a better understanding and monitoring of urban and housing issues at the national level.
  • Show cases of best practice in urban management from Egyptian stakeholders and cases of “best fit” from foreign stakeholders and cooperation partners.
  • Create the authorizing environment for the actors to build coalitions for reform and action and develop effective policies, programs and interventions.
  • Show cases of best practice in urban management from Egyptian stakeholders and cases of “best fit” from foreign stakeholders and cooperation partners.

For registration and more information, visit the Egypt Urban Forum website here.